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IP属地:广东1楼2014-04-26 23:06回复
    第一最火的是 R+L=J
    说的是 Jon Snow 是 Ned Stark 的 Sister (不知是姐是妹)和 Rhaegar (中文翻译好想是雷加) 的 私生子

    IP属地:广东4楼2014-04-26 23:09
      然后是很重要的预言 关于AZOR AHAI reborn 也就是传说带领大家打败 The Other 的英雄
      先说出处 (自己翻译的,求不吐槽)
      "When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt."
      当红星划过(bleed愿意为滴血,但根据剧情描述应改指划过)和黑暗聚集之时,Azor Ahai 将在烟与盐中诞生。

      IP属地:广东5楼2014-04-26 23:19
        The red star would be the comet, and the Others and the coming winter would be the darkness, like that of the Long Night. In her own interpretation of this prophecy, Melisandre claims that Dragonstone is the place of smoke and salt. She also claims that she has seen in the flames that Stannis is the Lord's chosen warrior, Azor Ahai reborn, and that she has seen him leading the fight against the dark. The flames do not lie, according to her, but even if she is not willfully misleading Stannis she may be misleading herself. Daenerys, after all, was born on Dragonstone.
        More importantly, however, she was figuratively born again as the Unburnt at the time of Drogo's death and the first appearance of the red comet, where she wept salt tears and immersed herself in smoke and fire of the pyre.
        来自westeros.org url:http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/Prophecies/Entry/1820

        IP属地:广东6楼2014-04-26 23:23
          红星应为彗星(文中有说), The Other 和将至的寒冬应为像长夜(Long Night中文有特殊翻译请指出)那样的黑暗。在她(Melisandre)的理解中,Dragonstone(中文好像叫龙石城)是烟与盐之地。 她还声称Stannis 是 the Lord of Light 选中的战士,Azor Ahai 重生,并且她在火炬中看见他与黑暗抗争。根据她(在她的POV中有说),火炬不会说谎,但是她会理解错误(比如把另一个女孩看成Arya Stark)(原文是说尽管她不想刻意误导Stannis,她可能被自己误导)。然后得出的结论是Daenerys (龙女)Azor Ahai 重生。
          理由为她在Drogo(那个Horse Lord)挂时表现抗火,并且在彗星第一此出现时流泪(盐)并在火堆(烟)中出现。

          IP属地:广东10楼2014-04-26 23:43
            Visions danced before her, gold and scarlet, flickering, forming and melting and dissolving into one another, shapes strange and terrifying and seductive. She saw the eyeless faces again, staring out at her from sockets weeping blood. Then the towers by the sea, crumbling as the dark tide came sweeping over them, rising from the depths. Shadows in the shape of skulls, skulls that turned to mist, bodies locked together in lust, writhing and rolling and clawing. Through curtains of fire great winged shadows wheeled against a hard blue sky.

            IP属地:广东13楼2014-04-26 23:58
              Best chapters in asoiaf
              The direwolves aren't just protectors, they're also part of the Stark identity. No one would really know Rickon if he didnt hang around a big direwolf. Sansa has lost her Stark identity several times over.
              Direwolves不只是保护者,而且是Stark 的身份。Sansa失去了狼就失去了Stark 的身份。(回不到北方)

              IP属地:广东16楼2014-04-27 12:05
                What Characters Do You Think Got What They Diserved?

                IP属地:广东17楼2014-04-27 12:35