WITH One Man And His Dog sadly reduced to an occasional rarity – in TV circles, rounding up recalcitrant Herdwicks has gone out of fashion – mutt-loving viewers will be pleased to see this one-off drama with a pooch at the heart of the action.
The Dog Thrower (don’t try this at home) sees Matthew Perry, right, ex of Friends, make his UK comedy debut as a charismatic chap enchanting passers-by in the park with his unorthodox talent for chucking his dog in the air and catching him. Not easy with a St Bernard.
One such spectator, the lonely Jonah, witnesses these goings-on and, eager to earn the same popularity, joins Perry with his own dog Floppy.
However, when a photojournalist snaps one of their performances, and the pictures spread rapidly across the media, disastrous consequences ensue. Jonah sees his newfound fame quickly turn to infamy, while his and, as an outcry develops, his hopes of making the dog-throwing team at the Rio Olympics turn to dust.