海口雅思英语吧 关注:12贴子:97
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 修辞目的题相对于事实信息题和推断题来说,其实不算难,题干定位的信息相对明确,容易找,而且题干的信息在段落中大多数情况下都在充当例子,答案都在定位的信息前面。但是朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家要提醒大家的是,答案不一定在定位的信息的前一句。以这道题为例,定位的句子之前有信号词:in addition“除此之外”,说明定位的信息和in addition的前面一句都是举例,所以答案还要再往前,我们退到倒数第三句,这句话说的是“现代的灌溉设备能够喷洒庄稼”,而倒数第二句提到了“cotton, corn, sorghum, wheat”,很明显是crops的例句,所以倒数第三句也是例子。所以答案还要再往前,这时我们发现一句TS:irrigation agriculture transformed the economy of the region,所以答案是C。
The Freudian perspective, in a sense: sees us as “steam engines”. By holding in rather than venting “steam,” we set the stage for future explosions. Pent-up aggressive impulses demand outlets. They may be expressed toward parents in indirect ways such as destroying furniture, or they may be expressed toward strangers later in life.
The word ”they” in the passage refers to
Afuture explosions
Bpent-up aggressive impulses
Dindirect ways
我们发现they之前出现or, 并列连词,表示两者选其一,or的后面接的是:they may be expressed... 可见or并列了两个句子,前一个句子的主语仍然是they, 所以they指代的词在上一句话中,我们知道they在这句话中是主语,所以它指代的词应该就是上句话的主语“pent-up aggressive impulses”, 答案是B。朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家提醒广大考生:指代题现在出现的频率很低,但是做好指代题,能迅速准确地找出代词所指代的名词,我们能为句子插入题的解答节省非常多的时间。什么时候会用到代词?一定是上文提到,为了避免重复,为了提高句子的多样性,才会使用到代词,所以指代题的答案都在代词所在的句子本身,或是上一句话。
Paragraph 3: Leatherbacks keep their body heat in three different ways. The first, and simplest, is size. The bigger the animal is, the lower as surface-to-volume ratio; for every ounce of body mass, there is proportionately less surface through which heat can escape. An adult leatherback is twice the size of the biggest cheloniid sea turtles and will therefore take longer to cool off. Maintaining a high body temperature through sheer bulk is called gigantothermy. █ It works for elephants, for whales, and, perhaps, it worked for many of the larger dinosaurs. █ It apparently works, in a smaller way, for some other sea turtles. █ Large loggerhead and green turtles can maintain their body temperature at a degree or two above that of the surrounding water, and gigantothermy is probably the way they do it. █ Muscular activity helps, too, and an actively swimming green turtle may be 7°C (12.6°F) warmer than the waters it swims through.
However, these animals have additional means of staying warm.
拿到这个句子,首先我们注意到主语出现“代词+名词”these animals, 表示上文提到过的动物,但是朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家发现除了第一处之外,其他的句子都有动物,所以我们接下来寻找第二处线索,带插入句子中出现信号词“additional means of staying warm”, additional这个信号表示上文有一种保持体温的方法,下文提到另外一种。第一个框框之前,提到了通过庞大的体积保持体温,后面的每一句都是supporting details, 举了具体动物的例子,并且给出了具体数据来显示出温度具体提高了多少,直到最后一个框框的后面提到了muscular activity, 可以看出是第二种方法,所以答案是D。

1楼2014-05-02 08:59回复