Question and answer with Randy Harrison (Justin in "Queer as Folk")先分享Randy Harrison 的吧,其他的还在审核,不定时更新,英语不好就只发问题好了 how did ou get innvolved with Queer as Folk? what do you think about Obamas promise to introduce gay marriage?
Question and answer with Sharon Gless (Debbie in 'Queer as Folk')M妈虽然头发花白,但还是那么漂亮,开朗,很喜欢Sharon Gless的性格 how did you get innvolved with Queer as Folk? what feedback did you get from young viewers? Is there a chance to produce a movie of QaF?
Question and answer with Harris Allan (Hunter in "Queer as Folk")这...我没看到后面,所以不知道是谁,就不评论了 how did ou get innvolved with Queer as Folk? did it cause problems to be the youngest character? which actor did you spent most time with ?