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开普勒186f(英语:Kepler-186f)是一颗环绕红矮星开普勒186的太阳系外行星,距离地球约492光年。该行星是第一颗在太阳以外恒星旁发现的适居带内半径与地球相若的系外行星。NASA 的开普勒空间望远镜以凌日法侦测到开普勒186f和另外4颗距离母恒星更近,且半径都稍大于地球的系外行星。天文学家耗时3年分析资料找到了开普勒186f存在的讯号,最初于2014年3月19日在研讨会上报告这项发现,并且在当时有部分细节在媒体上报道。相关发现的论文发表于期刊《科学》后不久于同年4月17日向社会大众全面公开。

IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体1楼2014-05-05 15:27回复

    IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体3楼2014-05-05 16:34
      Mass, density and composition
      The only physical property directly derivable from the observations (besides the orbital period) is the ratio of the radius of the planet to that of the central star, which follows from the amount of occultation of stellar light during a transit. This ratio was measured to be 0.021.This yields a planetary radius of 1.11±0.14 times that of Earth, taking into account uncertainty in the star's diameter and the degree of occultation. Thus, the planet is about 11% larger in radius than Earth (between 4.5% smaller and 26.5% larger), giving a volume about 1.37 times that of Earth (between 0.87 and 2.03 times as large).
      There is a very wide range of possible masses that can be calculated by combining the radius with densities derived from possible planetary compositions; it could be a rocky terrestrial planet or a lower density ocean planet with a thick atmosphere. However, a massive hydrogen/helium (H/He) atmosphere is thought to be unlikely in a planet with a radius below 1.5 R⊕. Planets with a radius of more than 1.5 times that of Earth tend to accumulate the thick atmospheres that would make them less likely to be habitable. Red dwarfs emit a much stronger extreme ultraviolet (XUV) flux when young than later in life; the planet's primordial atmosphere would have been subjected to elevated photoevaporation during that period, which would probably have largely removed any H/He-rich envelope through hydrodynamic mass loss. Mass estimates range from 0.32 M⊕ for a pure water/ice composition to 3.77 M⊕ if made up entirely of iron (both implausible extremes). For a body with radius 1.11 R⊕, a composition similar to Earth’s (1/3 iron, 2/3 silicate rock) yields a mass of 1.44 M⊕, taking into account the higher density due to the higher average pressure compared to Earth.

      IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体4楼2014-05-05 16:40