All 3 brothers are from Sarasota, Florida. They have their own studio in Sarasota where they film a lot of their YouTube collaborations and make music together as brothers. BA仨兄弟来自于佛罗里达州萨拉索塔,在哪儿有他们像兄弟一样合作拍摄油管视频、创作音乐的工作室,当然是他们自己啊丢~~
Last year between tours Alejandro broke his arm, no one ever found out and he still continues to be freakishly good at arm wrestling. 去年呢,在全球巡演的时候,Alejandro(翻译过来太拗口,就看英文吧)把他胳膊玩坏了,但是没人发现啊丢,竟然还扳手腕的时候还出奇的给力.............开挂了吧。
Fabian and Daniel like to box and both played high school basketball. P.S. Their favorite NBA team is the Houston Rockets. Fabian和Daniel 喜欢拳击,而且都参加过篮球高中校队(不吐槽身高了~) Ps:他们俩最喜欢的NBA球队是火箭队啊!
Daniel has a degree from Harvard law school and interned at a Puerto Rican law firm for a summer, but he still had time for music lessons with his brothers. 丹尼尔有哈佛法学院的学位!还在波多黎各一家法律事务所实习了一个夏天,但是他还是有和兄弟们一起上音乐课的时间。(富帅+学霸,收下屌丝的膝盖吧)
Alejandro won Mr. Pine View in High School, which is the equivalent of a male pageant. His talent in the contest was performing with Daniel and Fabian!! Alejandro在高中的时候赢下了Mr. Pine View这个和男性选美一样的比赛。他的才能和 Daniel 和 Fabian一同在比赛中表现了出来!!
BONUS: They filmed the video for “Speed Limit” while they were on tour in London! But you need to unlock the video in order to see it ;) 福利帖:当他们在”轮蹲“巡演的时候拍摄了“Speed Limit”这只视频!但是你要解锁才能看到......(网页最上面有说解锁这支视频,但是不知道怎么解锁啊.......................)