A: 你有看到前两天新闻“穿山甲的眼泪”吗?
Have you read the news “Pangolin’s Tears”these days?
B: 这两天忙晕了,有什么重要新闻吗?你介绍下。
I’m so busy for news. Is there anythingimportant for me?
A: 5月12日广东警方查获了上千只穿山甲冻体,5月14日晚上,梁源派出所解救了一只穿山甲,由于惊吓过渡,它紧紧的巴在派出所的门上不愿下来,眼中含着眼泪…
Guangdong police tracked down hundreds of frozen Pangolins on12th,May and accidently saved the only survivor who was so scared that hadtears filled in the eyes after two days. It clang to the door of police stationand refused to come down.
B: 天呐,那画面肯定很震撼。动物的泪,是有重量的泪。
Oh, this sight must be shocking. Animals’tears are ponderable.
Yes, I was really shocked when I saw its tears which was fromthe deep inside of its life and was more ponderable than metal.
B: 是啊。也许人的泪中还含有虚伪和个人恩怨,而动物的泪里却只有真诚。
Yeah. Human being’s tears sometimes containhypocrisy or personal feelings and attitudes while animals’ tears are of only sincerity.
A: 没错,也只有动物的泪,才更是震撼人们魂魄的泪。
You’re right. Only animals’ tears are that shock human being’s soul.
A: 你有看到前两天新闻“穿山甲的眼泪”吗?
Have you read the news “Pangolin’s Tears”these days?
B: 这两天忙晕了,有什么重要新闻吗?你介绍下。
I’m so busy for news. Is there anythingimportant for me?
A: 5月12日广东警方查获了上千只穿山甲冻体,5月14日晚上,梁源派出所解救了一只穿山甲,由于惊吓过渡,它紧紧的巴在派出所的门上不愿下来,眼中含着眼泪…
Guangdong police tracked down hundreds of frozen Pangolins on12th,May and accidently saved the only survivor who was so scared that hadtears filled in the eyes after two days. It clang to the door of police stationand refused to come down.
B: 天呐,那画面肯定很震撼。动物的泪,是有重量的泪。
Oh, this sight must be shocking. Animals’tears are ponderable.
Yes, I was really shocked when I saw its tears which was fromthe deep inside of its life and was more ponderable than metal.
B: 是啊。也许人的泪中还含有虚伪和个人恩怨,而动物的泪里却只有真诚。
Yeah. Human being’s tears sometimes containhypocrisy or personal feelings and attitudes while animals’ tears are of only sincerity.
A: 没错,也只有动物的泪,才更是震撼人们魂魄的泪。
You’re right. Only animals’ tears are that shock human being’s soul.