第一,二页:1.连线(略) 2(A) 1.what would you like 2.what can do for you 3.Help yourself 4.lets tind as seat (B)略
3 1.麦当劳 2.比萨饼 3.肯德基 4.三明治 5.汉堡 6.布丁 7.巧克力 8.苹果派 9.沙拉 10.热狗
第三,四页:1 ACDEB 2 1.Barber shop 2.Mrs Lees Bakeny 3.Three 4.The libray 5.Super Marken 3 1.on a visit 2.in the city of 3.on the farm 4.in line 5.By the way 6.at the side of 7.on her way to 8.it the queue 9.at the head of 10.As last 4 1.the matter with 2.Which ,the way to 3.takes ,to go 4.to see 5. waybe is 6.get to
第五,六页:1 2.If he not tidy the room,he'll not find her shoes. 3.If he read newspapers he'll lean about the world.
4.If he study hard he'll pass the exam. 5.If he take too many books he'll not read them 6.If he wear a sweater he'll not get cold 2 1.I will see then when I get there. 2.If you don't faster you'll later for the film. 3.The bus doesn't stop open the door. 4.I didin't watch TV until I finished way homework gestday. 5.Do you think study jopanse. 6.My father doesn't like beer or wine. 3 1.略 2.England 3.略 4.interesting 5.can 4 略
3 1.麦当劳 2.比萨饼 3.肯德基 4.三明治 5.汉堡 6.布丁 7.巧克力 8.苹果派 9.沙拉 10.热狗
第三,四页:1 ACDEB 2 1.Barber shop 2.Mrs Lees Bakeny 3.Three 4.The libray 5.Super Marken 3 1.on a visit 2.in the city of 3.on the farm 4.in line 5.By the way 6.at the side of 7.on her way to 8.it the queue 9.at the head of 10.As last 4 1.the matter with 2.Which ,the way to 3.takes ,to go 4.to see 5. waybe is 6.get to
第五,六页:1 2.If he not tidy the room,he'll not find her shoes. 3.If he read newspapers he'll lean about the world.
4.If he study hard he'll pass the exam. 5.If he take too many books he'll not read them 6.If he wear a sweater he'll not get cold 2 1.I will see then when I get there. 2.If you don't faster you'll later for the film. 3.The bus doesn't stop open the door. 4.I didin't watch TV until I finished way homework gestday. 5.Do you think study jopanse. 6.My father doesn't like beer or wine. 3 1.略 2.England 3.略 4.interesting 5.can 4 略