Do you hear the people sing, lost in the valley of the night. It is the music of a people who are climbing to the light. For the wretched of the earth, there is a flame that never die Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
顺便记下LEO临走前说的的那几句,时隔一周记忆有些模糊了「Thank you…thank you very much.I appreciate all the days we have spent together and I wish all of you could find something that makes you feel really enjoyable in the rest of your life.Most of you deserve what you have get,so don't keep your head down……」这种看似平淡无奇的话被这么说出口真是特入戏特戳泪点。因为共同经历过,因为心和灵魂都在场。从未顾虑过接近两年的愉快相处竟会以这种方式戛然而止。再见,唯一一个在见面不到两天的时间里记住121班全体英文名的即将奔赴故土的你。
还有囧老师QUQ从未对我们班孩儿们袒露过心迹却在隔壁班说漏了嘴。看吧,还是我们班姑娘小伙子有良心,青花瓷餐具一套火速送到你手中√ 早上把东西藏在背后的时候我还真是有点隐隐顾虑,怕你会对我凶……换工作了跟回国根本没差的好吗!都是再也见不了面的节奏QAQ虽然大家都觉得泥凶的一点都不英伦但!我!就!喜!欢!你!这!种!课上!课下!反差萌! FACE TO FACE 口语考试泥真的帅到我惹!少女心怦怦直跳!PS:觉得泥一点都不帅的全被我手动斜眼扼杀在襁褓中惹所以我们全班都觉得泥是最帅哒!MUA~