Its a game...
How stupid of me to not know.
They would not care if we die, because to them, we are just pawns...
Just useless pawns in their game..
To keep them entertained and to have the winner,
our friends...
so many death
so many sacraficed
so many never coming back.
We will survive
We will escape
We will kill them. Kill them to extinction.
I will make this happen.
I look around.
we are at the Forest.
and outside, Mountains.
and Rivers.
and in them, are deadly animals, poison plants.
more, more...
These are settings that they have set for us. It is not the place that you wish to be in your vacation.
If we survive them all, we shall be spared, only to die in a different place.
in the duel.
They have trained us to have the best fighter to fight in the war.
And the ones that train us and hold us reponsible, the ones that choose us and nit our destiny
Are the top magicians in our mythical world.
___next [beginning]
Its a game...
How stupid of me to not know.
They would not care if we die, because to them, we are just pawns...
Just useless pawns in their game..
To keep them entertained and to have the winner,
our friends...
so many death
so many sacraficed
so many never coming back.
We will survive
We will escape
We will kill them. Kill them to extinction.
I will make this happen.
I look around.
we are at the Forest.
and outside, Mountains.
and Rivers.
and in them, are deadly animals, poison plants.
more, more...
These are settings that they have set for us. It is not the place that you wish to be in your vacation.
If we survive them all, we shall be spared, only to die in a different place.
in the duel.
They have trained us to have the best fighter to fight in the war.
And the ones that train us and hold us reponsible, the ones that choose us and nit our destiny
Are the top magicians in our mythical world.
___next [beginning]