A卷,A卷--听力:1-5 A D B C C 6-10 B C A D B 11 .m orning 12. production 13.elderiy people 14.ten 15.cigarette16-20:dbccb、,21-25:dcacb、,26,lucking,27introduition,28to make,29informede,30rebuiuts,31had lived,32,winning,33mores,34heavnily,35lefts,36-40:accbc、,41-45:abbcd、,46tuiters,47returni48pducational 49educational career,50february,
、51:DQ, 52:LJ 53:AE,54:np,55gi,
、5614week,57sales support cctivity,58an online catalog 59 business communication,60in interview
翻译:我们有刚买了大量的高质量的运动鞋,We have just bought a large quantity of high quality sports shoes, 我们能够为您提供这些在非常合理的价格。We can provide you with these at very reasonable prices我们确信塔尔你会满意这些运动鞋,我们想提醒你们,类似的价格大多不太可能在不久的将来。We are sure that you will be satisfied with the Tulsa sports shoes, we would like to remind you, similar to the prices are unlikely inthenearfuture
Leave a message
Mr. Peter, Hello, I'm Lucy, on the morning of June 23, 2013 I received from Mr. Browm 10:00 James SPK phone, said he has sent to us their new product, want to learn more about our use case, also hope you can put forward the suggestions and opinions. They recently will visit our company, hope we can arrange a meeting and reception, James Mr. Browm next week, not in the company, after you see the call him
Lucy left
我不知道对不对 希望能帮上你、
、51:DQ, 52:LJ 53:AE,54:np,55gi,
、5614week,57sales support cctivity,58an online catalog 59 business communication,60in interview
翻译:我们有刚买了大量的高质量的运动鞋,We have just bought a large quantity of high quality sports shoes, 我们能够为您提供这些在非常合理的价格。We can provide you with these at very reasonable prices我们确信塔尔你会满意这些运动鞋,我们想提醒你们,类似的价格大多不太可能在不久的将来。We are sure that you will be satisfied with the Tulsa sports shoes, we would like to remind you, similar to the prices are unlikely inthenearfuture
Leave a message
Mr. Peter, Hello, I'm Lucy, on the morning of June 23, 2013 I received from Mr. Browm 10:00 James SPK phone, said he has sent to us their new product, want to learn more about our use case, also hope you can put forward the suggestions and opinions. They recently will visit our company, hope we can arrange a meeting and reception, James Mr. Browm next week, not in the company, after you see the call him
Lucy left
我不知道对不对 希望能帮上你、