Rose Dix @RoseEllenDix
I screamed at 3 men in a van today. WHISTLE AT ME WILL YOU? Have NOTHING to say when I approach your vehicle? FUCK OFF THEN.
5:07 AM - 11 Jul 2014
Rose Dix @RoseEllenDix
Why do some men think that's at ALL appropriate? Like whistling means I'll BLOW YOU?! OH I'M SWEPT OFF MY FEET YOU ARTICULATE FUCK.
5:10 AM - 11 Jul 2014
Roxeterawr @RoxeteraRibbons
Rose is angry tonight I swear I did not provoke her
5:14 AM - 11 Jul 2014
Rose Dix @RoseEllenDix
What gets me is that they're ALL disgusting to look at & they sit there from the confines of their vehicle like they're God's fucking gift.
5:14 AM - 11 Jul 2014
Rose Dix @RoseEllenDix
Get an education first get some manners second. Then I'll POLITELY tell you to get fucked & not embarrass you in front of your loser cohorts
5:20 AM - 11 Jul 2014
Rose Dix @RoseEllenDix
I just hate it how some men make women feel like they're on display purely for their entertainment.
5:24 AM - 11 Jul 2014
Rose Dix @RoseEllenDix
The only object around here is your clogged aortic valve, struggling penis and excess sweat, Sir. It's certainly not me. RANT OVER.
5:28 AM - 11 Jul 2014