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mino acid 氨基酸
adrenergic receptor 肾上腺素(能)受体
abdominal reflex 腹壁反射
abdominal regions 腹部分区
abdominal pressure 腹压
abdominal pulse 腹主动脉搏动
abortion 流产,坠胎
Abrams’ heart reflex 艾布拉姆斯氏心反射,又称利维拉托(Livierato)反射。刺激心前区皮肤引起心肌收缩,伴心浊音界缩小。透视可见到心界缩小。
absolute temperature 绝对温度
absorption 吸收
acarid 螨
accessory placenta 副胎盘
accommodation of eye 眼调节
acinar carcinoma 腺泡癌
acne conglobata 聚会性痤疮[亦作conglobate acne]
acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans 慢性萎缩性肢(端)皮炎
active transport 主动转运
acupuncture 针灸,针刺疗法
acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis 急性出血性胰腺炎
adaptation 适应
adaptive enzyme 适应酶(inducible enzyme,induced enzyme诱导酶)
adductor 内收肌
adenosarcoma 腺肉瘤
adnexitis (子宫)附件炎(=annexitis)
adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质
adrenogenital syndrome 肾上腺性征异常征,肾上腺综合征,肾上腺生殖系综合征,伊森科-柯兴综合征
aerosol 气雾剂,喷雾剂
afferent loop syndrome 输入袢综合征
agonist 激动剂,兴奋剂
AIDS 艾滋病(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome获得性免疫缺乏综合症)
albinism 白化病,白化症
allantois [胚] 尿囊,尿膜
allele 等位基因
allergy 过敏(症),变态反应
alopecia areata 斑秃,斑形脱发,局限性脱发
alveolar duct emphysema 肺泡管性气肿
alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气,alveolar ventilation-perfusion imbalance肺泡通气与血流比例失调
Alzheimer’s disease 阿尔茨海默病,老年痴呆症,阿兹海默症
amaurotic cat’s eye 黑蒙性猫眼
amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术
ampullary aneurysm 壶腹状动脉瘤, 囊状动脉瘤
anaphase (细胞分裂)后期
anastomosis 吻合(术)
anesthesia 麻醉(anaesthesia)
aneurysm 动脉瘤(aneurism)
angina pectoris 心绞痛
angiogram 血管造影片
angiosarcoma 血管肉瘤
Angle’s classification of malocclusion 安格氏矫正分类法(malocclusion 错位咬合,咬合不正)
anneal 退火(核酸经退火后能与互补的核酸结合)
anomalous uterus 异常子宫
anoxia 缺氧(症)
anteflexion (尤指子宫)前屈
antegrade urography 顺行尿路造影(术)
anthracosilicosis 煤矽肺,炭末石末沉着病[亦作 anthrasilicosis]
antibiotic 抗生素
antidepressant 抗抑郁剂(药)
antigen 抗原
antioncogene 抗癌基因
aortic stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄
aperture diaphragm 光圈
apex of heart 心尖(部位)
Apgar score 阿普加(新生儿)评分
appendix 阑尾
arborvirus 虫媒病毒[蚊虫等节肢动物传染的病毒(脑炎、黄热病、登革热的病原体)]
arches of the foot 足弓
arcus aortae 主动脉弓
areola 乳(房)晕, 色晕
arterial arch of colon 结肠动脉弓
arteriography 动脉造影术,动脉X线摄影,动脉搏描记法
arteriovenous oxygen difference 动静脉氧差
arthroplasty 关节成形术,关节造形术
arthrosis 关节,关节病
artificial pacemaker 人工(心脏)起搏器
Ascaris lumbricoides 蛔虫
ascending cervical artery 升颌动脉
aspergilloma 曲霉菌球
Aspergillus fumigatus 烟曲霉(菌)
assisted reproductive technology ART,辅助生殖技术,人工生殖技术
astigmatism 散光(亦作 astigmia);像散性,像散现象
astrocyte (脑和脊髓的)星形胶质细胞,星形细胞
atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化;动脉硬化[复数atheroscleroses ]
atrial septal defect (心)房中隔缺损
atrial flutter 心房扑动
atrial fibrillation 心房纤颤,房颤,心房纤维性颤动
atrioventricular valve 房室瓣
atrophic gastritis 萎缩性胃炎
audiogram 听力图,听力敏度图,听阈曲线
auditory pathway 听觉传导通路
auscultation 听诊(法)
autoantibody 自身抗体
autonomic nervous system 自主神经系统,植物性神经系统
autoplastic graft (=autograft) 自体移植物,自体组织移接,自体嫁接
axon reflex 轴突反射
azotemia 氮质血症
baby 婴儿
background radiation 本底辐射,背景辐射
bacteriophage 噬菌体
bacterium 细菌,杆菌属[ 复数bacteria ]
Baker’s cyst 贝克氏囊肿(膝部囊肿,腘窝囊肿)
barbiturate 巴比妥类药物(用作中枢神经系统抑制或安眠的药),巴比妥酸盐
Barrett’s syndrome Barrett's syndrome is a condition in which the esophagus, the muscular tube that carries food and saliva from the mouth to the stomach, forms new types of cells on its surface that are similar to those normally found in the intestine.
base pair 碱基对
basilar lamina 基底,颅底,头盖骨底部
basilar vertebra 基椎,末腰椎
basophilia 嗜碱性,嗜碱细胞增多
bilaminar blastoderm 二层胚盘
bile 胆汁
Billroth’s operation I Billroth's operation I is an operation in which the pylorus is removed and the distal stomach is anastomosed directly to the duodenum.The operation is most closely associated with Theodor Billroth, but was first described by Polish surgeon Ludwik Rydigier.
birth canal 产道
bisalbuminemia 双白蛋白血症,副白蛋白血症,是一种较少见的常染色体不完全显性遗传性病,表现为白蛋白呈异常双峰现象(两峰高度大致相等,一峰为正常白蛋白,另一峰为变异白蛋白)
bivalve speculum 双瓣窥器
blastoderm 胚盘,胚层
block vertebrae 阻滞椎,块状椎
blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障

1楼2014-06-21 14:01回复