Regulations of the International Chemistry Olympiad (ICHO)
G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t
§ 1
Aims of the competition
The International Chemistry Olympiad (ICHO) is a chemistry competition for students at secondary school level with the aim of promoting international contacts in chemistry. It is intended to stimulate the activities of students interested in chemistry by a way of independent and creative solving of chemical problems. The ICHO competitions help to enhance friendly relations among young people from different countries; they encourage cooperation and international understanding.
O r g a n i z a t i o n o f I C h O
§ 2
Organization and invitation
(1) The ICHO is organized every year, as a rule at the beginning of July in one of the participating countries by the Education Ministry or another appropriate institution of the organizing country (hereafter referred to as the organizer).
(2) The organizer is obliged to invite all countries participating in the previous ICHO competition. The official invitation to participate in the forthcoming ICHO should be sent to countries by the November preceding the competition. The invited countries must confirm their participation in the ICHO according to requirements of the organizer.
(3) Moreover, other countries may apply for the participation in ICHO but the organizer has the right to invite the countries only on agreement with the organizers of two forthcoming ICHOs. Incoming countries must send observers to two consecutive Olympiads before its pupils can participate in ICHO (see also § 3, section 5).
G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t
§ 1
Aims of the competition
The International Chemistry Olympiad (ICHO) is a chemistry competition for students at secondary school level with the aim of promoting international contacts in chemistry. It is intended to stimulate the activities of students interested in chemistry by a way of independent and creative solving of chemical problems. The ICHO competitions help to enhance friendly relations among young people from different countries; they encourage cooperation and international understanding.
O r g a n i z a t i o n o f I C h O
§ 2
Organization and invitation
(1) The ICHO is organized every year, as a rule at the beginning of July in one of the participating countries by the Education Ministry or another appropriate institution of the organizing country (hereafter referred to as the organizer).
(2) The organizer is obliged to invite all countries participating in the previous ICHO competition. The official invitation to participate in the forthcoming ICHO should be sent to countries by the November preceding the competition. The invited countries must confirm their participation in the ICHO according to requirements of the organizer.
(3) Moreover, other countries may apply for the participation in ICHO but the organizer has the right to invite the countries only on agreement with the organizers of two forthcoming ICHOs. Incoming countries must send observers to two consecutive Olympiads before its pupils can participate in ICHO (see also § 3, section 5).