Even when he was auditioning for American Idol, singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" for the judges with all his falsetto fireworks, it was readily apparent Adam Lambert had a major soft spot for Queen. That he would later perform with the band itself at the end of his season — and brilliantly so, at that — only solidified the increasingly obvious fact: This singer and all his octave-defying range and theatrical flair owed a clear debt of gratitude to the late Freddie Mercury.
译:当他在参加美国偶像的试音的时候,给评委用他所有的的假声技巧唱出“bohemian rhapsody”,就可以明显地看出他对于Queen有特别的好感。他在第八季美偶的最后一场和这支乐队一起演出,如此地出色,再次证明了越发不争的事实:这位歌手和他横跨数个八度的音域以及演唱歌曲风格的天赋就好像Freddie Mercury留给他的馈赠一样。
译:当他在参加美国偶像的试音的时候,给评委用他所有的的假声技巧唱出“bohemian rhapsody”,就可以明显地看出他对于Queen有特别的好感。他在第八季美偶的最后一场和这支乐队一起演出,如此地出色,再次证明了越发不争的事实:这位歌手和他横跨数个八度的音域以及演唱歌曲风格的天赋就好像Freddie Mercury留给他的馈赠一样。