RULE 4 you can not get what you want till you know what you want . 这句没啥好说的。 RULE 5 温吧的人,各个都鬼精鬼精的,都是evil gits,所以你在执行rule 2的时候,肯定要相信他们会执行他们的优势策略,而不可能去考虑rule 3所谓的牺牲精神带来的群体最优结果的。 原话:yale's students are evil gits.
1. Do not play a strictly dominated strategy. 2. Rational choice can lead to outcomes that are inefficient. "Prisoner's Dilemma" "Coordination Problem" 3. Payoffs matter, we change the payoffs, we change what people care about, and we get a different outcome. 4. Put yourself in others' shoes and try to figure out what they will do.