嘿,全体注意,点名开始,大城市,小城市,墨西哥,中国,伦敦,戴帽子的,发型酷的,小宝贝,大鲨鱼,坐场地座的,坐家庭座的,坐家里的,让我看到你们,NBA传奇巨星们!教练们,状元,榜眼,28号秀,赛场乐趣无穷,传球的,灌篮的,盖帽的,绝杀的,准备好了吗?开打吧!Everybody Up! (Hey, all the attention, roll call, big cities, small cities, Mexico, China, London, hats, hair cool,, baby sharks, sit up field, sit up family, sitting at home, let me see you, the NBA legend! Coaches, first, second, 28 shows, fun game, the ball, dunk, blocks, dead, are you ready? Start!!!! Everybody Up! )