楼主今天状态完全不好。等明天吧。加油~~~~ 今天的单词 1tightwad 2gazette 3disgrace 话说好喜欢Grace啊,太可爱了。。 4strain 5take sth on oneself 今天看个句子吧,真题里面的 I have discovered ,as perhaps Kelsey Will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of SHE after a build-up of stress,that abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life",and making the alternative move into "downshifting" brings with it far great rewards than financial success and social. status 这句子有点长啊。。。不结合语境可能有点麻烦,看看就好。。 话说有人看的话就吱一声,不然楼主没动力啊