impact:I felt a little bit that we would drop out【我有点感觉我们会被淘汰了】 Imp:IT Was very satisfying【那是令我十分满意的比赛】,IT was like a weight that had been lifted off our backs【打从那我们背上不再有负担了】
imp:I think his confidence isprobably in the gutter right now【我认为impact的自信已经荡然无存了自从被IM1的上单瑞文单杀后】 IMP:piglet probably dosen*t have a lot of confidence【“猪让”已经没什么自信了】,When you lose that much,you are bound to loseconfidence【像“猪让”一直输比赛的,他是注定没什么信心了】 piglet: I don*t like peole that are bad,I don*t like imp because he is bad【我讨厌实力弱的选手,我讨厌 imp 因为他弱】
IMP 说: I DON*T LIKE people that are better than me. Piglet…… I don‘t dislike him now 【imp说;我不喜欢比我强的选手,猪让,我不再讨厌他了。嘲讽 猪让 比他弱】 imp:I can guarantee that I‘m better than piglet,I’ M really good at team-fighting 【imp说;我能确保我比piglet 强,我真的非常擅长团战】 Piglet:Honestly,he‘s so much worse than me at team-fighting 【piglet说:说实话,imp在团战方面比我弱太多了】