20140725 新任务
Place Tea set

15 Faeries Murmur仙灵蝶
3 Enchanted Beam 魔法梁木
5 Purple Dye 紫色染料
3 Silver platter 银盘


The Thirst is real
2 pasta番茄面
2 baked Butterfish 烤鲳鱼
2 royal sundae皇家圣代冰淇淋

Faerie Food Fight
Use silver Platter x1 银盘
Use sentry horn x1哨兵号角

Cant we all get along
Comfort one faerie
Azalea (Greenhouse)
Lila (potion shop)
Lila comforted
Pizza Face
35 red petals 红花瓣
5 sugar 糖
50 water 水

Ivy*s Zit Begone potion
20 Glimmerdust蓝砂
20 blue petals 蓝色花瓣
10 living wood 活木

Lila*s Show of Gratitude
10 faeriebulb seeds 仙灵种子
30 Faeries Murmur 仙灵碟
5 mythic essence 神话精华

Quest ends - gets 2 decorations (both 2 x2items Faerie Harp and Butterfly Faerie Flower)
任务完成得到:仙灵竖琴 和 蝴蝶仙子花

Place Tea set

15 Faeries Murmur仙灵蝶
3 Enchanted Beam 魔法梁木
5 Purple Dye 紫色染料
3 Silver platter 银盘


The Thirst is real
2 pasta番茄面
2 baked Butterfish 烤鲳鱼
2 royal sundae皇家圣代冰淇淋

Faerie Food Fight
Use silver Platter x1 银盘
Use sentry horn x1哨兵号角

Cant we all get along
Comfort one faerie
Azalea (Greenhouse)
Lila (potion shop)
Lila comforted
Pizza Face
35 red petals 红花瓣
5 sugar 糖
50 water 水

Ivy*s Zit Begone potion
20 Glimmerdust蓝砂
20 blue petals 蓝色花瓣
10 living wood 活木

Lila*s Show of Gratitude
10 faeriebulb seeds 仙灵种子
30 Faeries Murmur 仙灵碟
5 mythic essence 神话精华

Quest ends - gets 2 decorations (both 2 x2items Faerie Harp and Butterfly Faerie Flower)
任务完成得到:仙灵竖琴 和 蝴蝶仙子花