Prince George who celebrated his first birthday yesterday, has undeniably earned himself the title of Royal cutie but it looks like the one-year-old may grow up to be a real Prince Charming.乔治王子昨天刚度过了自己的一岁生日,并且当之无愧的赢得了“王室小可爱”的头衔,不过,待这个1岁的小婴儿长大后,似乎会变成白马王子哦。
Hungarian graphic designer and illustrator, Nikolett Mérész has created an image of what young Prince George might look like at the age of 18.一位名叫尼克利特·梅瑞慈的匈牙利平面设计师和插图画家位小王子画出了一幅肖像,告诉人们乔治王子18岁的时候可能是什么模样。
The artist referred to the genetic traits that George has developed from his mother and father when using a computer to generate the final image.这位画家通过参照乔治王子从母亲和父亲那里遗传的基因特征,用电脑生成了一幅成品图。

She told the Herald Sun: *Prince George has a very similar face to William’s when he was atoddler. But, at the same time, his cheeks look a lot like baby Kate’s and that can’t be ignored. Especially as Kate has dimples, which are also a dominant trait, so it’s very likely George will have them as well.*她对《先驱太阳报》的记者说:“乔治王子和威廉幼时的的相貌十分相似。但同时,他在两颊的部位上也很像小凯特的模样,这一点不容忽视。尤其是凯特双颊上有酒窝,这是她幼时模样的一大特点,所以乔治很可能也会有小酒窝。”
In order to make the final product the artist combined the current facial traits of both George*s parents.为了完成最终的效果图,画家将乔治双亲现有的面部特征进行了。
*To create the remainder of the image, I merged Kate’s hairline, ears and edge of mouth with William’s nose, brows, forehead and lips.*“为了最终完成图像,我将凯特的发际线,双耳和嘴巴轮廓与威廉的鼻子,眉毛,额头,嘴唇加以综合。”
Although we can expect George to develop the same enviable dimples of his mother and face shapes of his father there are some attributes that the Prince can expect to avoid.我们可以预期到,乔治会和母亲一样拥有羡煞旁人的小酒窝,以及父亲的面部轮廓,不过,我们也可以预见乔治将能够避免双亲的一些面部特点。
Nikolett continued to say that she didn*t believe that George would suffer from the same hair thinning that we have recently noticed on his father Prince William.尼克利特接着说,她认为乔治不会受到脱发的困扰,而我们注意到,他的父亲威廉亲王正遭受这一苦恼。