1. 我在origin 上买的游戏,然后CNConline launcher老是说:installation cannot be found 或youcannot log in. (即:无法找到游戏或你无法登陆)
解决方案:将CNC online launcher以管理员身份运行,如果右键然后找不到管理员运行的话解决方案如下:
Solution 2 (Generals & ZeroHour):
1) Install the C&C Online launcher
2) Install both Generals & Zero Hour viaOrigin (or via retail disc, remember to patch both games)
3) Install the fixed launchers (applicableonly if you have the Ultimate Collection via Origin) DOWNLOAD
4) Install GenTool (can be installed if you have Origin versions/ retail versions)
5) Run the C&C Online launcher, click on the"Hook" menu and select Generals & ZH
6) Launch Generals/Zero Hour via Origin / desktop shortcut
7) Enabling the hook option in step 5 should now trigger theC&C Online launcher to open
8) Pick the game you want to play
9) Play!
去origin,单击RA3,然后单击在play按钮旁边的“i”后按钮单击game properties(游戏属性)然后选择“disable origin in game for this game”然后打开CNC online启动游戏。。话说我没有origin,在翻译这段的时候简直是不知所云,