John Locke
他和丛林里面的女人Danielle Rousseau两人的名字来自2个真实的思想家和哲学家。他的研究和理论集中研究于社会契约论(social contrast theories), 他认为"in a natural state, all men had equal rights to punish transgressors; to ensure fair judgment for all, governments were formed to better administer the laws“,”humans are born with a "blank slate" — a tabula rasa — without any innate knowledge or experience, and their identity is therefore a product of their decisions and choices in life."(摘自wiki)。大意就是,在自然状态,所有人都有权去惩罚违反规则的人;为了保障所有人都获得公平的裁决,组建政府以更好的执行法律。人性本空,如同空白的石板(书写板),没有任何最初的知识或者经验,人的个体性来生活中自己判断和选择。Rousseau就是卢梭,也是社会契约论的主要哲学、思想家,他提出,man is born weak and ignorant, but virtuous becomes wicked only after society is developed. 人生而无能和无知,在道德上却不是。人是在社会发展之后才变坏的(wicked)。这两个人名字来源的两个哲学家的观点正是片中两个人的主要观点,不难解释为何Danielle选择独处于丛林中和人群(小社会)远离。另外片中John Locke那个丑恶的父亲也来自于哲学家Locke的导师连名字都是一样的——Anthony Cooper。