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@北岛囍遇她 温温听起来也很温暖
Are "love"and"like"synonyms?
If you love a flower,you'll water it;if you like a flower,you pick it.
What about "like"and"hate",are they antonyms?
If you like a flower,you pick it.If you hate a flower,you still pick it. 

来自Android客户端60楼2014-08-08 13:57
    @汤圆佳人 汤圆午安 我也愿意和你做朋友
    Are "love"and"like"synonyms?
    If you love a flower,you'll water it;if you like a flower,you pick it.
    What about "like"and"hate",are they antonyms?
    If you like a flower,you pick it.If you hate a flower,you still pick it. 

    来自Android客户端62楼2014-08-08 13:57
      @骷臣 所以特别方便 奸商的就有些麻烦
      Are "love"and"like"synonyms?
      If you love a flower,you'll water it;if you like a flower,you pick it.
      What about "like"and"hate",are they antonyms?
      If you like a flower,you pick it.If you hate a flower,you still pick it. 

      来自Android客户端64楼2014-08-08 13:58
        @旧丿梦如歌__ 不客气
        Are "love"and"like"synonyms?
        If you love a flower,you'll water it;if you like a flower,you pick it.
        What about "like"and"hate",are they antonyms?
        If you like a flower,you pick it.If you hate a flower,you still pick it. 

        来自Android客户端65楼2014-08-08 13:58
          @丿璇转沐马丶 听说苦瓜汁味道不错而且很健康
          Are "love"and"like"synonyms?
          If you love a flower,you'll water it;if you like a flower,you pick it.
          What about "like"and"hate",are they antonyms?
          If you like a flower,you pick it.If you hate a flower,you still pick it. 

          来自Android客户端66楼2014-08-08 13:59
            @南缃i 婚礼什么时候?我去搜图片
            Are "love"and"like"synonyms?
            If you love a flower,you'll water it;if you like a flower,you pick it.
            What about "like"and"hate",are they antonyms?
            If you like a flower,you pick it.If you hate a flower,you still pick it. 

            来自Android客户端68楼2014-08-08 13:59
              @醉凪空城 空城早 那个妹子怎么样了
              Are "love"and"like"synonyms?
              If you love a flower,you'll water it;if you like a flower,you pick it.
              What about "like"and"hate",are they antonyms?
              If you like a flower,you pick it.If you hate a flower,you still pick it. 

              来自Android客户端69楼2014-08-08 13:59
                @骷臣 就是他会打我吗
                不要走得太慢 花会凋谢的 也不要走得太快 那样 花还没有开
                Don't walk too slowly,the flowers will wilt,but don't walk too fast either,then the flowers won't be blossoming yet.

                来自Android客户端73楼2014-08-08 14:01
                  @晚色r 异瞳好久不见
                  不要走得太慢 花会凋谢的 也不要走得太快 那样 花还没有开
                  Don't walk too slowly,the flowers will wilt,but don't walk too fast either,then the flowers won't be blossoming yet.

                  来自Android客户端74楼2014-08-08 14:01
                    @丿璇转沐马丶 一口下去
                    No.I like you too much to be your friend.There have been so many friends that I've lost before,and I don't want to lose you either.

                    来自Android客户端77楼2014-08-08 14:02
                      @骷臣 对此我不发表任何评论...
                      No.I like you too much to be your friend.There have been so many friends that I've lost before,and I don't want to lose you either.

                      来自Android客户端79楼2014-08-08 14:03
                        @爱恋魔法师 小恶魔要常来啊常来
                        No.I like you too much to be your friend.There have been so many friends that I've lost before,and I don't want to lose you either.

                        来自Android客户端80楼2014-08-08 14:03
                          @汤圆佳人 么么哒是北泠
                          不要走得太慢 花会凋谢的 也不要走得太快 那样 花还没有开
                          Don't walk too slowly,the flowers will wilt,but don't walk too fast either,then the flowers won't be blossoming yet.

                          来自Android客户端93楼2014-08-08 14:33
                            @傅相欢 下午好 好久不见
                            不要走得太慢 花会凋谢的 也不要走得太快 那样 花还没有开
                            Don't walk too slowly,the flowers will wilt,but don't walk too fast either,then the flowers won't be blossoming yet.

                            来自Android客户端94楼2014-08-08 14:33
                              @十四林长安_ 在我的挣扎下我投了克利切
                              不要走得太慢 花会凋谢的 也不要走得太快 那样 花还没有开
                              Don't walk too slowly,the flowers will wilt,but don't walk too fast either,then the flowers won't be blossoming yet.

                              来自Android客户端95楼2014-08-08 14:34