★Few people have ever seen him get out of that house.几乎没什么人看见他从那间屋子里出来过。 ★He has seen little of life.。 他不懂什么世故(没有见过什么世面)。 ★I can hardly read the original without a dictionary.不借助于词典我简直看不懂原著。 ★People rarely see this kind of plant in blossom.人们很少见到过(几乎没有见到过)这种植物开花。 ★We scarcely ever need it; take it away.我们极难得需要它(几乎用不着它);把它拿走。 ———————————————— ☞☞☞ 需要注意的是,英语里一般都用这类“准否定词”表示“几乎不”的意思,而不说almost not.
★The door simply refused to open.门根本就打不开。 ★The error of calculation escaped the accountant.会计没有注意到这一计算错误。 ★He ignored the whole speech of the schoolmaster.他根本就没有听校长的讲话。 ★The boy tried by every means to avoid being caught by hisfather. 那孩子想方设法不让父亲逮住他。 ★He failed to come to the appointed place on time.他未能准时到达约定的地点。 ★I am sorry I missed you at the station. 我很遗憾,没有在车站见到你。 ★They excluded children from getting in. 他们不让孩子们进去。 ★Such a chance wasdenied me. 我未能得到这样的机会。 ★The news media were barred from the conference.没有让记者们采访这次会议。 ★I really hate to get personal but I have to remind you that youare much older than Byron. 我真不想过问别人的私事,不过我得提醒你,你可是比拜伦年长多了。
第三类表示否定意思的是一些形容词和副词: They are new to the work. 他们不熟悉这一工作。 The lake is free of ice even is winter.就是冬天这个湖也不结冰。 That was a poor (thin) argument. 那个论点站不住脚。 Do you think he was really ignorant of his son’s crimes?你认为他会真的不知道他儿子的罪行吗? We all know he is strange to compliment of any kind.我们都知道他任何恭维话都不爱听。 He thought he had got a mortal illness. 他曾以为自己得了不治之症。 The new teacher really had an open mind.新来的老师确实没有偏见。 The road is now clear of snow.路上现在已经没有积雪了。 There are faults from which none of us arefree.有些错误我们谁也避免不了。 The arrow fell short of the mark. 箭没有射中靶子。 She apparently thought otherwise. 她显然有不同的想法。 The news is obviously too good to be true. 这个消息太好了,显然不可能是真的。 The office is the last place to find him in.你绝不会在办公室找到他。
英语中的许多介词也往往有否定的含义: Life is far from a bed of roses.生活远非一切都那么美好。 What I’m saying is off record.我讲的话请勿记录。 His conduct is above suspicion.他的行为无可怀疑。 The enemy’s accusation against us is beneath notice.敌人对我们的指责不值一提。 His rude attitude drove us beyond our patience.他粗暴的态度使我们忍无可忍。 This house is obviously past repair. 这间房子显然无法再修了。 What you said just now is beside the mark. 你刚才讲的完全文不对题。 Most comets are extremely faint objects far below the limit ofthe unaided eye. 大多数彗星都是很黯淡的物体,远非肉眼可见。 But for these thick trees the bitter wind would blow the houseto pieces. 要不是这些大树,大风会把这所房子刮得七零八落。 She is always trying to do what is out of her reach.她总是想做一些力不能及的事。
Before, but that, only that, other than等连接词也常用于表示否定的意思: I’ll see you dead before I accept your terms.见你的鬼去吧,我才不会接受你的条件呢! She would have fallen but that I caught her intime.要不是我及时抓住她,她早就摔倒了。 Only that you assured me it was so I should not believeit.要不是你向我保证,我才不会相信呢。
此外,英语还常常以问句、if 条件句和带诅咒的句子表示否定的意思: What do I care? 我才不在乎呢。 Strike me if I know.我真的不知道。 Like hell I will agree. 我绝对不会同意。 I need is like a hole in the head. 我根本不需要。 As if anybody would believe that theory. 才没有人会相信那个说法呢! “I see why your mother picked this spot for camping.”“我现在明白了你妈妈为什么要选择这个地方露营。” ===========完===========