首先是经典皮肤,荣耀行刑官德莱文的中英对照台词(小伙伴们游戏里面没听清楚的可以来这里看一下,德叔游戏里的声音确实有点小了) 英雄台词 英文台词 别跟着这些脚印 No followin*these footsteps. 别嫉妒 Don*t be jealous. 朝他们受伤的地方猛打! Hit*em where it hurts. 都接得我手疼了 This is where Draven shines. 斧头在手,只欠猎物 Got axes, need victims. 哥们,我很好! Man, I*m good. 好好看,好好学 Watch and learn. 滑头?我从不耍滑头 Subtle? I don*t do subtle. 没有比这次更好的了 Doesn*t get better than this. 似乎我走到哪血就流到哪 Seems to be blood everywhere I go. 听到了吗?死亡在敲门呢! Hear that? Death*s knocking. 完美,我有了 Perfection? I got that. 我的活是最棒的 Doesn*t get better than this. 现在要表演的是如何走位 Now this is how to move. 需要去杀点什么吗 Something need killin*? 有些地方要去,有些德莱文要见 Places to go, me to see. 咱们来多称赞我几句吧 Let*s admire me for a bit. 咱们上吧 Let*s do this. 站后点 Stand back. 这就是我德莱文魅力四射的地方 This is where Draven shines. 走滑步 Smooth. 抓住飞斧头(Q) 哎呀谢谢你 Wow, thank you! 太简单了 Too easy. 我会拿到的 I*ll take that. 我们走 Here we go. 笑话 德莱文多才多艺,还很有范儿呢! Draven does it all... with style! 哦~哦~哦~我爸得莱死他 Not Draven; Draaaaven. 嘲讽 出来一起玩啊!哈哈哈哈 Come out and play. Heheheh. 谁想要来点德莱文,嘿嘿哈哈哈 Who wants some Draven? Heheheh.