Belle:We can go dis way lah, be careful, let me go first, leme go first ,I can get uden. I can protect u here, dat way weve been oready liao, boleh I doubleconfirm with ,one. We should go donw lah .
Feynmanbe careful lah, dis not de way we has been de one.
Feynmandunt go dis way lau. Follow me with dis.
Comeon Feynman, cannot jump deh, ur rain shoes will fall cuz it is big-big one!
Comeon Feynman, the one kena found,
FeynmanFeynman Feynman Feynman Feynman, oh~ where is Feynman?oh u here!
Feynman:Ta pi gua have seen joe go there lah.
Belle:we cannot go with joe deh, we cannot go fine joe lah, bcz joe …joe..tree yang not one group ar ,Joe with duoduo ,they,they and we not in one lah!We here to go take the one, so we go dis way lah. Aiyah, cannot wait any more, must gooreddy. NOW.OK? Feynman?
Dunttouch it withsu, Feynman, u seems smaller dan me lah, cuz u kena ur hand. Feynman,u must be 5 years old right? U not as tall as me,one. Ta pi gua not olso doo!
Feynmanbe careful lah, dis not de way we has been de one.
Feynmandunt go dis way lau. Follow me with dis.
Comeon Feynman, cannot jump deh, ur rain shoes will fall cuz it is big-big one!
Comeon Feynman, the one kena found,
FeynmanFeynman Feynman Feynman Feynman, oh~ where is Feynman?oh u here!
Feynman:Ta pi gua have seen joe go there lah.
Belle:we cannot go with joe deh, we cannot go fine joe lah, bcz joe …joe..tree yang not one group ar ,Joe with duoduo ,they,they and we not in one lah!We here to go take the one, so we go dis way lah. Aiyah, cannot wait any more, must gooreddy. NOW.OK? Feynman?
Dunttouch it withsu, Feynman, u seems smaller dan me lah, cuz u kena ur hand. Feynman,u must be 5 years old right? U not as tall as me,one. Ta pi gua not olso doo!