Misha Collins, what can I say about this man that sums up the experience I had and the respect I now hold for him. This photo is Misha holding a photo of my friend Danni at a Melbourne convention in May, 2012. Danni and I bought our tickets to this con at the end of December 2010 that’s how excited we were to be able to attend our first ever Supernatural convention.
Misha had always been a favourite of Danni’s since he arrived on the show in season 4 and she was so excited to finally get to meet him in person. Sadly, in October 2011 she passed away unexpectedly through the night and never got to meet him.
When the big day came in May, I was both super excited that the day I had waited a year and a half for was finally here but I was also upset that Danni wasn’t there to share in the excitement with me. I wanted to be able to fulfil a dream of hers to have a photo with Misha and so came about the plan of taking in a photo of her.
When waiting in line a lot of people asked me about the photo and I explained how she couldn’t be there with me in person but she would be here in spirit and I was nervous about how Misha would react when I explained the situation to him. When it was my turn I walked up and I think just thrust the photo at him (as upset as I was, I was still in shock that I was sharing space with Misha Collins) and explained how Danni had always wanted to meet him and why she couldn’t be there. The absolute sweetheart that he is, he took the photo, gave his condolences and posed respectfully for the photo. Meanwhile I was standing there trying not to start bawling.
When it came time to have autographs, Misha looked at the photo and took some time to think about what to write. He wanted to know whether he should address it to her parents or to Danni. I said Danni as it was her photo. In the end he decided on “Danni, we miss you” which I find so fitting. We all miss her and the Supernatural fandom misses her even though they never knew her.
This experience really demonstrated just how amazing these people are and how much they can connect with their fans. I’ll never forget how much this experience meant to me and I’m sure Danni’s parents feel the same. I had this photo framed and gave it to them so they could see that she did get to have her photo taken with Misha after all.
If you are still reading, thank you. I’m glad I could share my experience with this amazing man a few days shy of Danni’s one year anniversary.