a. Play nice; treat each member/moderator with respect.
b. Personal attacks on members, moderators, or any individuals are grounds for removal from the fan club / community.
c. No profanity, vulgar language, sexual remarks, references, or innuendos.
d. There shall be no racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, or any other type of harassment tolerated. If violated, you will be removed from the fan club / community.
e. Do not impersonate or attempt to impersonate any LINKIN PARK band members or LP and LPU staff members. Such actions are grounds for removal from the fan club / community.
f. Do not post about the personal lives of the band. Questions or comments about family members of band (wives, children, parents, girlfriends, siblings, etc.) are not allowed on the board. This includes posting photos of family or links to photos of family members, or inserting pictures of family members in signatures.
g. No flooding the chat room or spamming allowed.
h. No ALL CAPS allowed in attempt to get your question answered or seen.
i. Do not ask the same question multiple times in attempt to get your question answered or seen.
j. If the LPU Chat guest (LPU HQ staff, crew, band member) is on camera or in the chat room, you may not broadcast during the duration of the chat.
k. Only comments/posts by staff or artists should be taken as official. If a statement is made by another member, keep in mind that this MAY NOT BE TRUE (Ex. New releases, tour dates, secret shows).
a. Play nice; treat each member/moderator with respect.
b. Personal attacks on members, moderators, or any individuals are grounds for removal from the fan club / community.
c. No profanity, vulgar language, sexual remarks, references, or innuendos.
d. There shall be no racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, or any other type of harassment tolerated. If violated, you will be removed from the fan club / community.
e. Do not impersonate or attempt to impersonate any LINKIN PARK band members or LP and LPU staff members. Such actions are grounds for removal from the fan club / community.
f. Do not post about the personal lives of the band. Questions or comments about family members of band (wives, children, parents, girlfriends, siblings, etc.) are not allowed on the board. This includes posting photos of family or links to photos of family members, or inserting pictures of family members in signatures.
g. No flooding the chat room or spamming allowed.
h. No ALL CAPS allowed in attempt to get your question answered or seen.
i. Do not ask the same question multiple times in attempt to get your question answered or seen.
j. If the LPU Chat guest (LPU HQ staff, crew, band member) is on camera or in the chat room, you may not broadcast during the duration of the chat.
k. Only comments/posts by staff or artists should be taken as official. If a statement is made by another member, keep in mind that this MAY NOT BE TRUE (Ex. New releases, tour dates, secret shows).