那年狗尾花开早吧 关注:2贴子:154
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来自Android客户端1楼2014-08-21 20:14回复
    Warm-up activities
    Point and say
    Point your fi nger upward. Students start to say A, B, C, D ... .If you point downward they say the letters in reverse order,D, C, B ... and if you point horizontally they say the same letter, B, B, B ... . Students shouldn’t pause. This game is suitable for other sequences such as the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, months and years.
    Treasure hunt
    Divide the class into two groups. Give each group a list of several objects that you want them to fi nd in the classroom. Have students walk around the room and collect their “treasure” and place it in a box. The fi rst group to fi nd all the objects on their list can read the list aloud and show the “treasure” to their classmates.
    Balloon game
    Divide the students into small teams. Each team forms a
    circle and the students hold hands. Give each team a balloon. As a team they have to keep the balloon in the air, but when it touches a part of someone’s body they have to shout out an English word. Suitable topi

    来自Android客户端2楼2014-08-21 20:23
      Draw the word
      Divide the class into two teams. Prepare some vocabulary cards with pictures. Each student gets a turn to come to the front of the class and pick a card. The student then has to draw the vocabulary item on the board while their team tries to guess what the word is. If they guess correctly, the team gets a point.
      Fall in line
      Give each student a picture card. Call out three to fi ve words. Students with the corresponding cards go up to the front of the classroom and line up. Have them line up in the same order as the words were called. Ask the rest of the class if the students have lined up in the correct order.
      Make copies of story scenes/posters. Cut them into different puzzle pieces. Have students race to put the puzzle back
      together, or similar to the sequencing story above, cut frames apart and get students to place them in the right order. Be sure to blank out the frame numbers.
      Find your match
      Divide students into two teams. Students in one team each get a wo

      来自Android客户端3楼2014-08-21 20:26