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留学森的女神——old dry mom


IP属地:江苏1楼2014-08-22 09:33回复

    If you ever go to an Asian foods store, ofcourse you do this is TL we are talking about, youmight have seen this. But of course you might be scared to buy it or try it outbut have no fear THIS STUFF IS GOOD!
    This chilli sauce is not that spicy but it certainly adds a lot of flavor todishes. It goes literally with everything, ramen, dumplings, noodles, ricedishes, and tons of other stuff. The main flavor they make isspicy black bean sauce, and in my opinion that flavor taste the best. There arealso other flavors you can try, but beware to my knowledge there is one typethat has peanuts in it. Watch out for that if you have or you know people withallergies. It apparently goes well with A LOT of western foods too, but Ihaven*t tried.
    Facebook group: can find recipes and talk to other Lao Gan Ma eaters there!

    IP属地:江苏2楼2014-08-22 09:35
      hen you go to an Asian foods store, ask the clerk for a jar of chilli saucewith picture of an old grandma on it and they will know what you are talkingabout. Yes old dry mom is the literal translation,but remember literal translations are not the most accurate.
      去亚洲食品店买老干妈辣酱时,你只要给店员说你要买瓶子上贴有老奶奶照片的辣酱,他就知道你想买什么了。“old dry mom”只是字面上的翻译,你要知道字面翻译有时候不是那么精确的。
      Extra note I like to add: This brand is actually really respectable and popularin mainland China,so knowing china..... There is a cheap bootlegged brand called Lao Gan Ba,meaning old dry dad instead. Don*t buy the fake dad sauce, buy the real momsauce! The real deal is the tasty one.
      温馨小贴士:这个品牌在中国大陆非常有名,且非常流行,就像瓷器一样为人熟知。还有一些山寨的品牌叫老干爸(old dry dad),不要购买这些假冒伪劣的产品,纯正的老干妈品牌辣酱才是正宗美味的。
      At least to me the sauce is not that hot, because I eat spicy stuff all thetime. But if you are not some one who can handle a lot of spicy stuff, don*tadd that much to your food.

      IP属地:江苏3楼2014-08-22 09:35
        1. Cow Canada. June 30 2011 08:54. Posts1097
        This stuff is sooo fucking good. Definitely agree and recommendeveryone to at least give it a shot!
        This, along with Sriracha and TabascoSauce are my go to*s if I am ever in need of adding flavour tosomething!
        这东西太TM好吃了!绝对同意楼主说的,推荐各位都去试一下,如果想吃味道重一点我还会配着Sriracha and Tabasco Sauce(译注:式拉查辣酱,是一位华侨自创的品牌,非常辣)一起吃。
        2. FragKrag United States.June 30 2011 09:03. Posts 11131
        Literally one of the best sauces. Not much heat to it, but a very goodflavor. It*s weird.
        3. Ikari United States. June 30 2011 09:09.
        Posts 175I love putting this on noodles or cold chicken, it*s good butnot that spicy.
        4. Tatari United States. June 30 2011 09:10. Posts 1043
        I really enjoy hot sauce (like Sriracha) but how much heat doesit have compared to it? Some of the posters are saying this hot sauce isn*tthat spicy. :I
        Noticeably less compared toSriracha, it*s more about the flavour from the Black Bean and the oil, lessabout being spicy
        5. Empyrean June 30 2011 09:56. Posts 16521
        I love this stuff! It*s very flavorful
        EDIT: I think it*s slightly more spicy than Sriracha, actually, but it*s nottoo bad. Sometimes when I*m bored I*ll take a fork and eat some of it the sauce._. (also string cheese and pepperoni LOL).
        I do this all the time. The"crispy chili sauce" has some peanuts, it makes a decent snack.
        6. endy China.June 30 2011 09:57. Posts 6584
        There are a lot of Laoganma sauces. I really don*t like the one withthe beans inside.
        But the one they call "crispy chili sauce" is amazing. I always havea pot in my fridge.
        7. Tatari United States. June 30 2011 09:59. Posts 1043
        Who in their right mind eats spicy sauce with a fork? O_O*
        Meh, I guess I*ll be on the look out for this sauce.
        8. Cambium Japan.June 30 2011 10:08.Posts 15858
        I hard boil my eggs, half them, and put a spoon of this sauce on eachhalf (or you can devil them if you want). Amazing.
        9. lyAsakura United States. June 30 2011 11:06.Posts 1412
        One of the best sauces I have tasted. It isn*t very hot, but theflavor is delicious.
        Definitely pick it up next time you*re at an asian market.
        10. Chairman Ray United States. June 30 2011 12:03. Posts8972
        I put that shit on everythin

        IP属地:江苏4楼2014-08-22 09:36
          必须女神 还记得舌尖二播放时 许多海外党发帖子都说:默默的含了一口老干妈

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