If you ever go to an Asian foods store, ofcourse you do this is TL we are talking about, youmight have seen this. But of course you might be scared to buy it or try it outbut have no fear THIS STUFF IS GOOD!
This chilli sauce is not that spicy but it certainly adds a lot of flavor todishes. It goes literally with everything, ramen, dumplings, noodles, ricedishes, and tons of other stuff. The main flavor they make isspicy black bean sauce, and in my opinion that flavor taste the best. There arealso other flavors you can try, but beware to my knowledge there is one typethat has peanuts in it. Watch out for that if you have or you know people withallergies. It apparently goes well with A LOT of western foods too, but Ihaven*t tried.
Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2361721520You can find recipes and talk to other Lao Gan Ma eaters there!