Look Forward with Hope Maybe it is possible to imagine a time when life can get no worse. But take comfort, as it is possible to imagine a time when life cannot get better. This means there is always something positive to look forward to. 满怀希望向前看 或许我们能够想像,有时候人生会悲惨难堪到无以复加的光景。 但令人欣慰的是,我们难以想像生命会跌落到永无翻身机会的绝境。 事实上,这意味著人生中总是有某些值得我们满怀希望的光明面,让我们体验到柳暗花明的惊喜。 --------- 不要在意别人在背后怎么看你说你,因为这些言语改变不了事实,却可能会搅乱你的心。
Hope is the only good that is common to all men; those who have nothing else possess hope still. THALES OF MILETUS 希望是所有人类所共享的美好事物; 即使身无分文的人,依然能拥有希望。 ー泰利斯(古希腊七贤之一) --------- 不要在意别人在背后怎么看你说你,因为这些言语改变不了事实,却可能会搅乱你的心。