找到部分英文翻译了,好虐!! (送上拔叔幼幼的脚踝和卖萌照)如果有完整翻译请一定要告诉我><

转自Mads Mikkelsen Collection
[INTERVIEW] Samuel Blumenfeld,
http://www.lemonde.fr, 28.08.2014
This interview frames Mads’s career in terms of his face and how it is regarded by both him and others. The occasion of the interview is the French release of the film, The Salvation, but it discusses his other films, his relationship with Nicholas Winding Refn and Lars Von Trier. A better translation would be appreciated!
(Thanks to fallen angels once in Heaven for translation)
“His face visibly poses a problem for him. If it were up to him, Mads Mikkelsen would change it. The Danish actor considered hiring a surgeon and even, he said, resorting to acid. […] In this hated face, there is first, according to the actor, the cheekbones. “All too prominent ” he says. Then, huge eyes, neither round nor really quite oval, “an unlikely geometry in fact”. “I am told they [make somebody depressed, sad, unhappy]*, and that’s probably right.” And finally, a huge mouth, in harmony with his eyes. “Directors have always told me it was the jaw of a predator, a very bad guy. This is probably one of the reasons why I inherited the role of Hannibal Lecter, the cannibalistic doctor created by Thomas Harris for the television series “Hannibal.” […] When he went back to Canada for the filming of the second season of “Hannibal”, Mads Mikkelsen asked to have a mirror in his dressing room. For once, the goal was to look at his face—not to destroy it. “Lecter is a man who sees beauty in ugliness. His values are reversed.” In the skin of this monster, Mads Mikkelsen can probably finally appreciate [his face].