马椰子的文字游戏吧 关注:7贴子:31
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He’s since morphed into the archetype of a mellow, Southern California hippie that East Coast elites love to mock. He sells packets of seeds at his concerts. He’s a partner in Cafe Gratitude, whose five vegan restaurants serve up dishes with names like “I Am Open-Hearted” (gluten-free pancakes) and “I Am Vivacious” (baked kale chips). He doesn’t drink alcohol but likes weed, which he usually smokes most days after 4 p.m.
"This," he explained, motioning toward his Thermos, "is a dark roast mate grown by the Twelve Tribes. I don’t know if you’re hip with the Twelve Tribes, but they’re a commune. I feel that if the … hits the fan and society collapses and our monetary system falters and we’re out of resources — the Twelve Tribes are the ones you’re gonna wanna be in bed with."
Mraz talks about this stuff with his fans too. He blogs about why hemp should be legalized and urges his concertgoers to support local farmers. His doesn’t think his audience — a mix of college kids and retirees — seem to mind, partially because many of the causes he supports are en vogue.
"I like seeing the age range out there — the silver-haired couples having a great time," he said of his demographic. "It makes me feel like maybe I’m continuing what they loved about Jackson Browne or Crosby, Stills and Nash. They’re still coming to concerts and seeing something that’s from that lineage."
Despite his bohemian ethos, it’s clear that Mraz’s success was no cosmic accident — he’s far from laid-back when it comes to his music. During a run-through at Spreckels, he easily assumed a leadership role, urging his bandmates to try different arrangements and fretting about whether the crew had taken a lunch break.
"Can we just try that one more time with the orb, and then we’ll make sure the crew gets some healthy nourishment?" he said to some guys at a switchboard. They promptly turned on Mraz’s concert background video, which includes dreamy images of the planet and snippets from his trip to Antarctica with Al Gore.
That’s a long way from where Mraz started out, playing open mikes just a few miles from here at the Java Joe’s coffee shop. At 21, he began modeling his career after Dave Matthews, figuring out the steps the musician had taken to become famous.
"Dave ended up taking the $100-million route, which is a little too much work for my interests," he said. "Raining Jane teases me that I run at about 80%. I’m 20% reluctance."
As a result, he’s ended up in what he calls “the friend zone.”
"People aren’t walking around with my Trapper Keeper," he said, grinning. "I’m not on their newsstands on their People magazines. But people might hear me on the radio or while they’re on their jog or in the kitchen baking. I’m totally great for that."
If #RetiredAt40 really does come to fruition, Mraz doesn’t plan on giving up music entirely. For each album he’s released, he has 70 leftover songs. He’d like to make an album for kids, and one filled with Christmas or gospel music.
"The reality is, I think he’s really happy in his personal life right now," said Sam Riback, Atlantic’s senior vice president and head of West Coast A&R. "He’s had more success than he could have imagined. So could he retire at 40? Maybe. But there’s a songwriter and a storyteller and performer in him. I have a feeling he’s gonna have many songs to write."
So maybe. But maybe not.
"Whenever there’s turbulence on a plane, I think, ‘This plane’s gonna go down,’ and I kind of get [mad]," Mraz said. "I stress that I haven’t spent enough time in Virginia with my parents. I keep thinking I want to go back home and help them clean out their garage." (x)

IP属地:辽宁1楼2014-09-05 20:21回复

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