川本裕子舞踏工作坊 (厦门)
日期及时间:2014年9月21,22,23日(星期天、一、二) 晚上18:30 – 21:30
地点:MassBox Art Camp 集盒艺术营 M117一山馆
舞踏发源於上世纪60年代的日本,创始人之一是土方巽(Hijikata Tatsumi)。川本裕子(Yuko Kawamoto)承袭自土方巽舞踏体系,保持了暗黑舞踏的原始面貌,同时从后现代舞蹈中摄取养份,开创了独特的身体语言,为舞踏带来革新的质地,她被公认是“即使站著也拥有可以改变气场的存在感”的舞者,可谓当代日本舞踏的新贵。
1. Yuko的个性很亲和、风趣, 她的言辞总会令人觉得开心. 而且她的指导都十分细致.
2. 她的教法是根据土方系舞踏谱的教法, 此教法由Yuko的师父Waguri Yukio整理及编撰. 内容包含了土方巽传下来的舞踏形态.
3. Yuko曾学习过其他的表演技艺, 但始终在舞踏上不离不弃, 而且下了很多年的苦功. 所以, 她对身体的理解, 身体作为表演的主体运用, 有一套独特的见解.
4. 在她的课上, 多为实践的教学, 让学员能从身体实践中体会到舞踏的内涵.
其主要创作作品包括,《hitobire》(2000年THE 4th PARKTOWER NEXT DANCE FESTIVAL参演作品)、《春之歌》(2007年)、合作编舞作品《0120》(川本裕子×点灭、2008年)、《CURATURS OF METROPORIS》(与Frances Barve合作作品、2009年London Butoh Festival邀请作品)等。
舞踏或暗黑舞踏(暗黒舞踏, あんこくぶとう, ankoku butō, Butoh),是现代舞的一种形式,由日本舞蹈家土方巽和大野一雄於二次大战后所创,企图破坏西方对於表演、动作、和肢体的传统美学观点,追求肉体之上的心灵解放和自由。舞踏的舞者通常全身赤裸并涂满白粉,表演中常包含呐喊、扭曲、匍匐、蟹足等元素。八〇年代以后,日本舞踏逐渐受到欧美舞蹈界的欢迎和重视,国际上各个艺术节、舞蹈节中也更常看见舞踏的表演。如今,日本舞踏已和碧娜鄠许的舞蹈剧场及美国后现代舞蹈(Postmodern dance)并列为当代三大新舞蹈流派。

昨天我们在课上有幸浅尝了一下舞踏,经历其中和看作品是完全不同的感受。 舞踏厉害的地方在于,其他的舞蹈都是编动作,而舞踏是对一个幻想的世界作出反映,是在编想象,要求舞者们首先完全倒空自己,接着想象自己是被某种东西填满,这种东西是虚无。土方巽和大野一雄受感于两个不同的方向,前者是outside in,受空间、历史、自然元素、灾害之感进行想象;后者是inside out,受人物、情绪、内在之感进行想象。土方巽曾在一次演出中要求舞者身体同时呈现出124种不同图像,身体的每一部分有其特定的想象对象。舞踏不在乎美丑,只在乎真实,然而这种真实却又是从虚无中探寻的。弗洛伊德、表现主义和超现实主义,反对正统的日本文化,反对玛莎葛兰姆,反对权威条规和束缚。从他里面我读到了这样的信息,自由是破碎、瓦解、分崩离析。

Yuko Kawamoto Butoh Workshop (Xiamen)
Date: September 21, 22, 23, 2014
Time: 18:30-21:30
Venue: Mass Box Art Camp
Fee: 1500/person,onetime 580/person,Oldparticipants 1300/person,Students1200/person
Hosts by WIRC
Curator and Supported by TheaterAether
About the Workshop:
Born in Tokyo, Yuko Kawamoto is a renownedButoh dancer, choreographer inJapan. Her appearance on stage, Yuko has a sense of existence thatchanges air. Power and the charm in which her person is drawn in appear in notonly the work but also the process of the workshop and choreography. It is veryfew dance people in the young man who succeed the method of Hijikata thatacquires it from Yukio Waguri. In the workshop, the basic principle of Butohwill be introduced, and explore the possibility of body by the unique method aswell as the relationship between body and space, through the training ofimaginary body, facial work, IGATA NI HAMARU (from mold)…etc. This is the first evenButoh workshop in Xiamen.You don’t miss it~!
Call for Registration: Lin18020766828 / wirc@gmail.com
Yuko Kawamoto
Kawamotobegan studying under Yukio Waguri, one of Tatsumi Hijikata’s disciples from thelater period, in 1992. From then until she left his company in 1998, she wasactive as a principal dancer for Yukio Waguri and Kozen-Sha. In 2000, shestarted the Shinonome Butoh Company.
With an established reputation for a presence so substantial that she canchange the entire atmosphere just by standing still, Kawamoto also has manyfans for her humorous works. Her appeal and power to draw people are notlimited to the stage, but show also in her workshops and her process of creatingworks. Kawamoto learned the Hijikata method from Yukio Waguri, making her oneof only a few younger butoh performers to carry on in that line. Lately she hasreceived numerous requests to hold workshops and choreograph works atuniversities and high schools in other countries.
Kawamoto’s principal works include Hitobire (A Human Presence) (2000,work for participation in the 4th Park Tower Next Dance Festival), and Haruno uta (Spring Song) (2007), while jointly choreographed works include0120(Yuko Kawamoto and Tenmetsu, 2008) and Curators of Metropolis (withFrances Barve, invitational work for the London Butoh Festival, 2009), amongothers.
About Butoh
Butoh(舞踏 Butō) is thecollective name for a diverse range of activities, techniques and motivationsfor dance, performance, or movement inspired by the Ankoku-Butoh (暗黒舞踏 ankoku butō?) movement. Ittypically involves playful and grotesque imagery, taboo topics, extreme orabsurd environments, and is traditionally performed in white body makeup withslow hyper-controlled motion, with or without an audience. There is no setstyle, and it may be purely conceptual with no movement at all. Its originshave been attributed to Japanese dance legends Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno.
日期及时间:2014年9月21,22,23日(星期天、一、二) 晚上18:30 – 21:30
地点:MassBox Art Camp 集盒艺术营 M117一山馆
舞踏发源於上世纪60年代的日本,创始人之一是土方巽(Hijikata Tatsumi)。川本裕子(Yuko Kawamoto)承袭自土方巽舞踏体系,保持了暗黑舞踏的原始面貌,同时从后现代舞蹈中摄取养份,开创了独特的身体语言,为舞踏带来革新的质地,她被公认是“即使站著也拥有可以改变气场的存在感”的舞者,可谓当代日本舞踏的新贵。
1. Yuko的个性很亲和、风趣, 她的言辞总会令人觉得开心. 而且她的指导都十分细致.
2. 她的教法是根据土方系舞踏谱的教法, 此教法由Yuko的师父Waguri Yukio整理及编撰. 内容包含了土方巽传下来的舞踏形态.
3. Yuko曾学习过其他的表演技艺, 但始终在舞踏上不离不弃, 而且下了很多年的苦功. 所以, 她对身体的理解, 身体作为表演的主体运用, 有一套独特的见解.
4. 在她的课上, 多为实践的教学, 让学员能从身体实践中体会到舞踏的内涵.
其主要创作作品包括,《hitobire》(2000年THE 4th PARKTOWER NEXT DANCE FESTIVAL参演作品)、《春之歌》(2007年)、合作编舞作品《0120》(川本裕子×点灭、2008年)、《CURATURS OF METROPORIS》(与Frances Barve合作作品、2009年London Butoh Festival邀请作品)等。
舞踏或暗黑舞踏(暗黒舞踏, あんこくぶとう, ankoku butō, Butoh),是现代舞的一种形式,由日本舞蹈家土方巽和大野一雄於二次大战后所创,企图破坏西方对於表演、动作、和肢体的传统美学观点,追求肉体之上的心灵解放和自由。舞踏的舞者通常全身赤裸并涂满白粉,表演中常包含呐喊、扭曲、匍匐、蟹足等元素。八〇年代以后,日本舞踏逐渐受到欧美舞蹈界的欢迎和重视,国际上各个艺术节、舞蹈节中也更常看见舞踏的表演。如今,日本舞踏已和碧娜鄠许的舞蹈剧场及美国后现代舞蹈(Postmodern dance)并列为当代三大新舞蹈流派。

昨天我们在课上有幸浅尝了一下舞踏,经历其中和看作品是完全不同的感受。 舞踏厉害的地方在于,其他的舞蹈都是编动作,而舞踏是对一个幻想的世界作出反映,是在编想象,要求舞者们首先完全倒空自己,接着想象自己是被某种东西填满,这种东西是虚无。土方巽和大野一雄受感于两个不同的方向,前者是outside in,受空间、历史、自然元素、灾害之感进行想象;后者是inside out,受人物、情绪、内在之感进行想象。土方巽曾在一次演出中要求舞者身体同时呈现出124种不同图像,身体的每一部分有其特定的想象对象。舞踏不在乎美丑,只在乎真实,然而这种真实却又是从虚无中探寻的。弗洛伊德、表现主义和超现实主义,反对正统的日本文化,反对玛莎葛兰姆,反对权威条规和束缚。从他里面我读到了这样的信息,自由是破碎、瓦解、分崩离析。

Yuko Kawamoto Butoh Workshop (Xiamen)
Date: September 21, 22, 23, 2014
Time: 18:30-21:30
Venue: Mass Box Art Camp
Fee: 1500/person,onetime 580/person,Oldparticipants 1300/person,Students1200/person
Hosts by WIRC
Curator and Supported by TheaterAether
About the Workshop:
Born in Tokyo, Yuko Kawamoto is a renownedButoh dancer, choreographer inJapan. Her appearance on stage, Yuko has a sense of existence thatchanges air. Power and the charm in which her person is drawn in appear in notonly the work but also the process of the workshop and choreography. It is veryfew dance people in the young man who succeed the method of Hijikata thatacquires it from Yukio Waguri. In the workshop, the basic principle of Butohwill be introduced, and explore the possibility of body by the unique method aswell as the relationship between body and space, through the training ofimaginary body, facial work, IGATA NI HAMARU (from mold)…etc. This is the first evenButoh workshop in Xiamen.You don’t miss it~!
Call for Registration: Lin18020766828 / wirc@gmail.com
Yuko Kawamoto
Kawamotobegan studying under Yukio Waguri, one of Tatsumi Hijikata’s disciples from thelater period, in 1992. From then until she left his company in 1998, she wasactive as a principal dancer for Yukio Waguri and Kozen-Sha. In 2000, shestarted the Shinonome Butoh Company.
With an established reputation for a presence so substantial that she canchange the entire atmosphere just by standing still, Kawamoto also has manyfans for her humorous works. Her appeal and power to draw people are notlimited to the stage, but show also in her workshops and her process of creatingworks. Kawamoto learned the Hijikata method from Yukio Waguri, making her oneof only a few younger butoh performers to carry on in that line. Lately she hasreceived numerous requests to hold workshops and choreograph works atuniversities and high schools in other countries.
Kawamoto’s principal works include Hitobire (A Human Presence) (2000,work for participation in the 4th Park Tower Next Dance Festival), and Haruno uta (Spring Song) (2007), while jointly choreographed works include0120(Yuko Kawamoto and Tenmetsu, 2008) and Curators of Metropolis (withFrances Barve, invitational work for the London Butoh Festival, 2009), amongothers.
About Butoh
Butoh(舞踏 Butō) is thecollective name for a diverse range of activities, techniques and motivationsfor dance, performance, or movement inspired by the Ankoku-Butoh (暗黒舞踏 ankoku butō?) movement. Ittypically involves playful and grotesque imagery, taboo topics, extreme orabsurd environments, and is traditionally performed in white body makeup withslow hyper-controlled motion, with or without an audience. There is no setstyle, and it may be purely conceptual with no movement at all. Its originshave been attributed to Japanese dance legends Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno.