I heard That you're settled down That you Found a girl And you're Married now I heard That your dreams came true I guess she gave you things I didn't give to you
Nevermind I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best For you too Don't forget me I beg I'll remember you said Sometimes it lasts in love But sometimes it hurts instead
喜欢你 - BEYOND 细雨带风湿透黄昏的街道 抹去雨水双眼无故地仰望 望向孤单的晚灯 是那伤感的记忆 再次泛起心里无数的思念 以往片刻欢笑仍挂在脸上 愿你此刻可会知 是我衷心的说声 喜欢你 那双眼动人 笑声更迷人 愿再可 轻抚你 那可爱面容 挽手说梦话 像昨天 你共我 满带理想的我曾经多冲动 屡怨与她相爱难有自由 愿你此刻可会知 是我衷心的说声 喜欢你 那双眼动人 笑声更迷人 愿再可 轻抚你 那可爱面容 挽手说梦话 像昨天 你共我 每晚夜里自我独行 随处荡 多冰冷 已往为了自我挣扎 从不知 她的痛苦 喜欢你 那双眼动人 笑声更迷人 愿再可 轻抚你 那可爱面容 挽手说梦话 像昨天 你共我 She be do u She be do u She be do u She be do u She be do u She be do u