众所周知,粉河盆地(Powder River Basin)盛产煤炭,而现在这里的石油生产出现了转机,石油产量从2009年38000(bbl/d)跃升至2014年第一季度的78000 bbl/d。尽管美国原油产量增长主要出现在白垩纪Bakken,Eagle Ford和Permian Basins三种地质形式。和其他原油增产地一样,粉河盆地也从水平钻井和水力压裂采油技术的应用中获益。
粉河盆地的石油增产主要来自白垩纪Turner, Parkman, and Niobrara-Codell三种地质形式,这些地质形式原油产量从2009年的4700 bbl/d增至2014年第一季度的36300 bbl/d,这也将其在粉河盆地石油总产量的比例从12%提高到了46%。2009—2014年,白垩纪Shannon, Sussex, and Frontier三种地质形式原油产量也有所增加,只是量不大,即从2009年的8900 bbl/d增至2014年第一季度的17000 bbl/d,其原油产量在粉河盆地石油总产量的比例继续保持在约23%。
粉河盆地面积超过4300平方英里,主要在怀俄明州东北和蒙塔纳州东南,与南达科他州、内布拉斯加州小部分比邻。粉河盆地最近增产的地区主要在怀俄明州,这也是历史上粉盒盆地原油生产的主要来源。2009年1月以来,在粉河盆地的6个白垩纪地质形式,有超过590口油井已经钻探或完成钻探,主要集中在怀俄明州的Converse and Campbell两个郡。
过去,原油生产来自较高渗透率的怀俄明州Turner, Parkman, Shannon, Sussex, and Frontier五种地质形式。由于水平钻井和水力压裂采油技术的应用,这些地质条件下,大部分地区的原油商业化开采更具盈利性。对比之下,粉河盆地内,2009年以前的Niobrara-Codell原油并不高产;目前,这一地质的原油开采则完全依赖此项技术。
撰稿人:菲利普·布兹克(Philip Budzik),杰克·佩林(Jack Perrin)
SEPTEMBER 15, 2014
New petroleum technology revitalizesPowder River Basin oil production
The Powder River Basin, well known for its abundant coalsupply, is experiencing a turnaround in oil production. Production hasrebounded from a low of 38,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) in 2009 to 78,000 bbl/dduring first-quarter 2014. Although U.S. oil production growth is occurring primarily in the Bakken, Eagle Ford,and Permian Basins, the Powder River Basin is among other regions ofthe country that have also benefitted from theapplication of horizontal drillingand hydraulic fracturing.
The increase in Powder River Basin oil production islargely attributable to production growth in the Turner, Parkman, andNiobrara-Codell formations, which collectively increased from 4,700 bbl/d in2009 to 36,300 bbl/d in first-quarter 2014, increasing their share of totalPowder River Basin oil production from 12% to 46%. Three other formations—theShannon, Sussex, and Frontier—also rose from 2009 to 2014, although to a lesserextent, rising from 8,900 bbl/d in 2009 to 17,000 bbl/d in first-quarter 2014,maintaining their share of total Powder River Basin oil production at around23%.
The Powder River Basin encompasses more than 43,000square miles and is located primarily in northeast Wyoming and southeastMontana, along with small areas of South Dakota and Nebraska. The recentresurgence is occurring predominantly in the Wyoming portion of the basin,which is also the main source of the Basin*s historical oil production. SinceJanuary 2009, more than 590 oil wells have been drilled and completed in the sixselect formations within the Powder River Basin, with this activity centered inWyoming*s Converse and Campbell counties.
In the past, oil production came from thehigher-permeability portions of Wyoming*s Turner, Parkman, Shannon, Sussex, andFrontier formations. With the application of horizontal drilling and hydraulicfracturing, larger portions of these formations have become profitable forcommercial oil production. In contrast, the Niobrara-Codell formation was not asignificant oil producer in the Powder River Basin before 2009, and oilproduction from this formation is entirely reliant on the application ofcurrent petroleum technology.
Principal contributors: Philip Budzik, Jack Perrin
众所周知,粉河盆地(Powder River Basin)盛产煤炭,而现在这里的石油生产出现了转机,石油产量从2009年38000(bbl/d)跃升至2014年第一季度的78000 bbl/d。尽管美国原油产量增长主要出现在白垩纪Bakken,Eagle Ford和Permian Basins三种地质形式。和其他原油增产地一样,粉河盆地也从水平钻井和水力压裂采油技术的应用中获益。
粉河盆地的石油增产主要来自白垩纪Turner, Parkman, and Niobrara-Codell三种地质形式,这些地质形式原油产量从2009年的4700 bbl/d增至2014年第一季度的36300 bbl/d,这也将其在粉河盆地石油总产量的比例从12%提高到了46%。2009—2014年,白垩纪Shannon, Sussex, and Frontier三种地质形式原油产量也有所增加,只是量不大,即从2009年的8900 bbl/d增至2014年第一季度的17000 bbl/d,其原油产量在粉河盆地石油总产量的比例继续保持在约23%。
粉河盆地面积超过4300平方英里,主要在怀俄明州东北和蒙塔纳州东南,与南达科他州、内布拉斯加州小部分比邻。粉河盆地最近增产的地区主要在怀俄明州,这也是历史上粉盒盆地原油生产的主要来源。2009年1月以来,在粉河盆地的6个白垩纪地质形式,有超过590口油井已经钻探或完成钻探,主要集中在怀俄明州的Converse and Campbell两个郡。
过去,原油生产来自较高渗透率的怀俄明州Turner, Parkman, Shannon, Sussex, and Frontier五种地质形式。由于水平钻井和水力压裂采油技术的应用,这些地质条件下,大部分地区的原油商业化开采更具盈利性。对比之下,粉河盆地内,2009年以前的Niobrara-Codell原油并不高产;目前,这一地质的原油开采则完全依赖此项技术。
撰稿人:菲利普·布兹克(Philip Budzik),杰克·佩林(Jack Perrin)
SEPTEMBER 15, 2014
New petroleum technology revitalizesPowder River Basin oil production
The Powder River Basin, well known for its abundant coalsupply, is experiencing a turnaround in oil production. Production hasrebounded from a low of 38,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) in 2009 to 78,000 bbl/dduring first-quarter 2014. Although U.S. oil production growth is occurring primarily in the Bakken, Eagle Ford,and Permian Basins, the Powder River Basin is among other regions ofthe country that have also benefitted from theapplication of horizontal drillingand hydraulic fracturing.
The increase in Powder River Basin oil production islargely attributable to production growth in the Turner, Parkman, andNiobrara-Codell formations, which collectively increased from 4,700 bbl/d in2009 to 36,300 bbl/d in first-quarter 2014, increasing their share of totalPowder River Basin oil production from 12% to 46%. Three other formations—theShannon, Sussex, and Frontier—also rose from 2009 to 2014, although to a lesserextent, rising from 8,900 bbl/d in 2009 to 17,000 bbl/d in first-quarter 2014,maintaining their share of total Powder River Basin oil production at around23%.
The Powder River Basin encompasses more than 43,000square miles and is located primarily in northeast Wyoming and southeastMontana, along with small areas of South Dakota and Nebraska. The recentresurgence is occurring predominantly in the Wyoming portion of the basin,which is also the main source of the Basin*s historical oil production. SinceJanuary 2009, more than 590 oil wells have been drilled and completed in the sixselect formations within the Powder River Basin, with this activity centered inWyoming*s Converse and Campbell counties.
In the past, oil production came from thehigher-permeability portions of Wyoming*s Turner, Parkman, Shannon, Sussex, andFrontier formations. With the application of horizontal drilling and hydraulicfracturing, larger portions of these formations have become profitable forcommercial oil production. In contrast, the Niobrara-Codell formation was not asignificant oil producer in the Powder River Basin before 2009, and oilproduction from this formation is entirely reliant on the application ofcurrent petroleum technology.
Principal contributors: Philip Budzik, Jack Perrin