trainfever吧 关注:1,979贴子:32,681




Introduction 绪论
This guide is to give some perspective on how to approach the concepts of the cargo system. It will help newcomers and seasoned tycoon player to understand the new, different system. This guide will give insight into the mechanics of goods and also instruction for building a goods system. This guide can be applied on trains or trucks.
Understanding cargo mechanics 理解货运系统的构成
1. After numerous evaluation of how goods responds, it was determined that goods is generated by demand and not supply. This article is long, if you want to have a fast explanation, refer to paragraph no. 7
2. To understand the goods mechanics, I will make notes and examples to other games in the same genre, but I will explain in detail how goods traffic is generate in Train Fever
2、为了理解货运系统的构成,我会举一些其他同类游戏的例子,但我会解释它们在货物运输上与Train Fever不同的细节。
3. Certain people will be familiar with the Railroad Tycoon series, but especially I will make use of the newest addition to the RRT family, Railroad Tycoon 3. In RRT 3 you will know the map is filled with dozens of industries. A certain industry, like a coal mine, will have a fixed output every year, like 8 coal wagons. Then the steel mill will require 4 wagons of coal and 2 wagons of ore to produce 1 wagon of steel rollers. The steel mill can be upgraded to double its production.
4. RRT make use of the concept of supply, more supply, lesser value, more production, lesser demand. In cases of Depression, the production will drop in the future which will led to less supply, more value, less production, more demand, more money.
5. Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe also rely on the RRT concept system, but there is no fixed supply rate. The mine will push its production up if you transport enough coal for them, if not, the mine will drop production or eventually close down. The mine also does not give all the coal it produces, it only gives a certain percentage and that is determined by your train service, quality of service, and response of service. There is no attach value of supply and demand, it is a fixed rate and will increase on the distance travelled, the longer the distance, the more will be paid.
6. Train Fever does not conform to these rules and that is why most beginners struggle to get their goods transported. TF rely on a demand system. It is determined by how much goods the town needs. Then you can connect any kind of industries to the town, but they will only begin to produce if there is a demand. No demand, no production. The industries also will not begin to process the goods if the whole industry cycle is not properly connected.
6、Train Fever与上述的规则不同,这也是大部分新手难以让他们的货物得到运输的原因。TF使用一套需求系统,取决于一个城镇的产品需求。你可以将任意的工厂与城镇相连,但是他们只会在有需求之后才开始生产。没有需求,没有生产。而且如果整个产业链没有完善,工厂也是不会开始生产的。
7. You must connect the cycle fully to start producing and transport anything. This means, you musthave at least 1 oil wells connected with the refinery and the refinery must be connected to the town. This also applies to the lumber -and steel industry.
8. As far as determined, the prices of each good is fixed. This is important to note that you need volume of products manufactured to make profits. This means your train will be likely used later in the game when there is proper volume being generate to pay the trains running expense.
9. People will ask why is it then needed to use a train if trucks already make a steady profit. Trucks can only carry that much and make that much money after expenses been paid. Train is much more flexible to generate a bigger profit, because 1 locomotive expenses can be paid whilst having an infinite length of train wagons available. The only matter is the platform length, but if sufficient space is made around the platform, the train will stop and begin loading.

IP属地:辽宁本楼含有高级字体1楼2014-09-17 15:14回复
    Setup truck route 设置公路运输线路
    Here I will discuss how to setup a simple goods route with the use of trucks.
    First we must determine what industries we can connect. Goods going through 3 stages. It is mined or pumped or sawn into a raw resource. Then it must be processed or refined or casted into a product. The product has to be further processes and package to be shipped to the commercial sector.
    In this example, we going to use oil to make goods. We select the following spot for our future goods line.

    We must then build a station or pickup site to retrieve the raw oil. Select any station of your preference, but I recommend a two platform station in this example.

    The refinery also need a station.

    Then we must determine where is our industrial area in this town. It is important to locate your station as nearby to the industries as possible to get maximum satisfaction from the industries.

    We then put our depot in, it is advised to put it as near as possible to your first pickup in the line.

    As you will see, when selecting your oil wells or refinery, they will indicate they don*t use any line, because no line exist yet.

    We then create a line as follow.

    IP属地:辽宁本楼含有高级字体2楼2014-09-17 15:16
      Setuptrain route 设置铁路运输线路
      Here I will instruct on how to build a successful train cargoroute. You will make use of this type of transportation after you got a highvolume of goods to be transported, or have a long distance to cover.
      In this tutorial I will make use of a low volume cargo over short distance, itis advisable to make such route with trucks, but to demonstrate how trains canbe used, we will make use of this location. We also make use of coal & oreline to the steel mill.

      The layout is of such shape it looks like a triangle.

      Now we will build our stations near these mines and factories.

      We now have to connect these stations with rail. If you building on unevenground or in hills, make use of the contour lines option in the layer button.

      IP属地:辽宁本楼含有高级字体4楼2014-09-17 15:20
        Also make sure all your stations is connected with the roads.

        The finished rail track.

        You will see the mines and factories will not make use of a line, because wemust put a line with trains in.

        Now we create a line.

        We also have to create another line for the goods taken from the steel mill tothe town, because the cargo wagons on trains is different as those from trucks.This means 2 different trains will be used.

        Also check what is the annual number of goods needed for the town.

        IP属地:辽宁本楼含有高级字体5楼2014-09-17 15:23
          We will use the annual number to determine how many wagons we will need for ourtrain. You can make the train as long as you want, as long as the capacity ofthe train itself exceed the annual need of goods.

          We will assign these trains to their separated lines.

          Now you will see the mines and factories will make use of your line to transporttheir goods around.

          Now you will see the supplied goods will now try to fill the demand, this meansthe mines and steel mill will increase their production to fill the demand.

          Extra notes 更多提示
          It is advisable to buy as many trucks to fill the annual capacityproduced. If the town will consume 57 goods annually, you will need 11 truckson the route if a truck carries 5 goods at a given time. If the truck carries10 goods at a given time, only 5 trucks will be needed.
          Always select the first stop to be full load. The other stops will not needthis feature enabled, because they will produce the same amount of goods, orwill only consume goods and will not give anything in exchange.
          Be advised to NOT set any station with trains on full load unless youprepared to take the risk. The reason behind this statement is to prevent thefrequency to go too high and shut the line down or factories stopped providinggoods.
          Take note of the travelling time of a truck. A truck can take up to 18 minutesto drop the oil off at the refinery, but the truck cannot take more than 20minutes. It is possible for a truck to take another 15 minutes to drop the goodsoff at the town which totals up to 33 minutes, because the system only countsthe travel time from the refinery to the town and NOT from the oilwell to the refinery and then to the town.
          When replacing your trucks, do it in small numbers to prevent a traffic waveand to keep the distance between trucks even.

          IP属地:辽宁本楼含有高级字体6楼2014-09-17 15:25

            IP属地:辽宁7楼2014-09-17 15:26
              感谢楼主翻译 一看全英文 一般都懒得看的说

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                        赞楼主 一个

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