◎家世:兵部尚书之女~☆ .~
◎旗籍或民族:.. ☆正黄旗.`.`满族≈.
◎推荐人: ~无.‘
◎宫牒:(半仿古:娆宫牒` .全仿古:雅宫牒)~‘`.`娆宫牒 ~★~
○擅长:~..琴棋书画`. 舞蹈`.歌唱.~
○喜欢的颜色:~`.. 冷蓝色≈.`~~琥珀色.☆~☆.
There is someone
that is coming or passing away in your life
around the clock,
so you may lose sight of those seen,
and forget those remembered.
There is gain and loss in your life,
so you may catch sight of those unseen,
and remember those forgotten. Nevertheless,
doesn’t the unseen exist for sure?
Will the remembered remain forever?