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Visions 2005-10 英语/拉丁语
专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:Soloists: Tom Cully, Conor O*Donnell, Michael Horncastle, Joseph Sanders-Wilde, Callum Payne, James Vereycken. 05年10月首先发行的日版除CD外额外增加了宣传视频及资料卡片; 韩版增加了先前发发行过的3首歌曲:14: for the beauty of the earth; 15: White Christmas; 16: Mary*s boy child。

01. Locus Iste
02. Always with you
03. Ave Maria
04. Libera
05. Sempiterna
06. Prayer
07. Recordare
08. Wings of a Dove
09. Something sings
10. New Day
11. We are the Lost
12. Sing for ever
13. Abide with me
Libera - Michael Horncastle...

66楼2014-10-01 17:47
    Free 2004-09 英语/拉丁语
    专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:由EMI发行的第一张专辑。Soloists: Ben Crawley, Joseph Platt, Christopher Robson, Anthony Chadney, Raoul Neumann. 日版增加一首Michael Horncastle演唱的Sing the Story; 05年8月发行的韩版为双CD, 含16首歌曲的CD加含5首MV的VCD。

    01. I am the day
    02. Stay with me
    03. Voca me
    04. Song of enchantment
    05. Ave Verum
    06. Do not stand
    07. When a knight
    08. A new heaven
    09. I vow to thee my country
    10. Lament
    11. Twilight
    12. Be still my soul
    13. Adoramus
    Stay with me - Libera,Robert Priz...

    67楼2014-10-01 17:49
      Libera 1999-10 英语/拉丁语
      专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑 唱片公司:华纳 专辑简介:Libera第一张同名专辑。Soloists: Liam O*Kane, Adam Harris, Steven Geraghty, Alex Baron.

      01. Salva Me
      02. Sanctus
      03. Agnus Dei
      04. Libera
      05. Mysterium
      06. Jubilate
      07. Beata Lux
      08. Dies Irae
      09. Te Lucis
      10.Sancta - The St Philips Boy...
      11. Angelis
      12. Lux Aeterna
      Sancta - The St Philips Boy...

      71楼2014-10-01 17:54
        about memories
        About Memories - Billy Gilman

        About Memories本是美国一个身患不可治愈的肌肉萎缩症的孩子Mattie Stepane所写的小诗,他在有生之年陆续出版了三本美丽的诗集,讲述生命中的美好和希望,诉说他对自己活着的记忆的留恋,而这首About Memories的小诗则被美国著名乡村童星Billy Gilman拿去谱曲,歌曲最后还有小Mattie的朗诵。04年小Mattie离开了这个世界,但是他美丽的诗句留了下来,让我们记住,曾经有个不再有明天的孩子,将他所有关于未来的希望,交到了我们手上。
        Memories are a great gift记忆是一件伟大的礼物
        Memories are given to us by God是上天赐给我们的
        As a keep sake and a treasure作为一件留念和一种财富
        Memories allow us to call upon the past记忆允许我们回忆过去
        Memories can teach us教会我们
        About what things are good to repeat什么事情才值得追忆
        Memories they warn us记忆警告我们
        About what things should neverBe allowed to happen again那些事情不应该再次发生一遍
        Memories are a gift of the pastThat we hold in the present记忆是我们现在持留的过往的一件赠品
        To create what can be a great future为了创造一个可能的美好未来
        Treasure and keep memories珍惜并保存记忆
        For the sake of For the sake of...为了,让我们为了,
        For the sake of life为了生活
        For the sake of For the sake of...For the sake of life为了生活
        Memories offer us记忆为我们提供了
        Opportunities to laugh, or to cry去欢笑,去痛哭的机会
        Memories offer us记忆同时也给予了我们
        Opportunities to smile, or to reminisce去微笑去追忆的机会
        Memories can teach usAbout what things are good to repeat记忆教会了我们那些事咋再次发生是好的
        Memories they warn usAbout what things should neverBe allowed to happen again记忆警告我们那些事是不应该再次发生一次的
        Memories are a gift of the pastThat we hold in the present记忆是我们现在脑中存留的过往的一件礼物
        To create what can be a great futureTreasure and keep memories一件创造美好未来,珍惜并保存记忆
        For the sake ofFor the sake of...For the sake of lifeFor the sake ofFor the sake of...For the sake of lifeFor the sake of life为了生活,为了咱们的生活
        If we open our mind如果我们敞开思想
        Memories allow and offer记忆会允许我们并且给我们提供
        And help and support帮助和支持
        And teach and warn about life教我们并告诫我们生活的真正含义
        Memories can teach us记忆可以教会我们
        About what things are good to repeat重复那些事是会对我们有帮助的
        Memories they warn us记忆警告我们
        About what things should never那些事绝不应该
        Be allowed to happen again再次发生
        Memories are a gift of the pastThat we hold in the present记忆是过往给现在的一件礼物
        To create what can be a great futureTreasure and keep memories一件去创造未来和财富,珍惜并保存记忆
        For the sake ofFor the sake of...For the sake of lifeFor the sake ofFor the sake of...For the sake of lifeFor the sake ofFor the sake of...For the sake of lifeFor the sake ofFor the sake of...For the sake of life 皆是为了生活

        73楼2014-10-01 18:35
          Angels of Venice
          Angels of Venice is a music group from the USA founded by Carol Tatum (who plays harp, mandolin, Irish bouzouki and hammered dulcimer). The other members are Christopher Pellani (percussion), Cathy Biagini (cello) and Susan Winsberg (flute, recorder).
          The group’s music utilizes neoclassical music combined with an ethereal tone.
          Emerging from the heart and soul of harpist/composer/producer Carol Tatum, the Angels of Venice’s sound is ethereal, joyous, firey, lush, mysterious and elegant. Driven by harp, flute, cello, hammered dulcimer and exotic percussion accompanied by world instruments such as udu, doumbek, oud, hurdy gurdy, bouzouki and recorder this group combines middle eastern, medieval and neoclassical styles to create an aural landscape that is at once compelling and provocative.(摘自豆瓣音乐)

          威尼斯天使乐团 Angels Of Venice编辑威尼斯天使乐团是Windham Hill唱片公司旗下的三女一男新世纪音乐团体。威尼斯天使乐团的灵魂人物是竖琴手卡Carol Tatum(卡罗尔·泰特姆)。Carol Tatum身为美国作曲家协会成员,曾经为宝丽金和华纳兄弟音乐公司旗下乐队创作音乐。从7岁开始,Carol Tatum就在家乡德克萨斯州的达拉斯市学习弦乐,随着演奏经验的不断丰富,Carol Tatum开始组建自己的乐团,1991年,威尼斯天使乐团成立。Carol Tatum是威尼斯天使乐团主要音乐创作人
          Angels Of Venice营造的音乐背景拥抱着你的感官跳舞,或激发你兴奋的情绪,或让你沉静如水。如禅宗一般,神游于躯体之外的一种超脱。
          God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - 威尼斯天使乐队

          Nothing Else Matters - 威尼斯天使乐队

          Silent Night - 威尼斯天使乐队

          O Holy Night - 威尼斯天使乐队


          74楼2014-10-01 18:48

            75楼2014-10-25 13:48
              New Soul - vox angeli

              Comme Toi - vox angeli


              76楼2014-10-25 17:22
                Cara Dillon(卡拉·狄龙/卡兰·迪伦),北爱尔兰民谣歌手,英国国籍,天主教徒,1975年7月21日出生于北爱尔兰Londonderry(伦敦德里)(北爱尔兰西北部一自治社区,位于贝尔法斯特市西北)的Dungiven。

                77楼2014-11-16 15:36
                  Numb - Linkin Park

                  Final Masquerade - Linkin Park


                  78楼2015-01-18 13:51

                    Selena Gomez
                    Who Says - Selena Gomez

                    HIT THE LIGHTS - Selena Gomez


                    79楼2015-02-01 09:41
                      1.Reed Deming ——satellites

                      2.Bruno Mars——it will rain . grenade

                      80楼2015-02-23 20:36
                        之前听冰棍的all of me觉得好听然后听原唱最开始还不习惯,后来越听越舒服,很喜欢这种乡村调调。。。

                        81楼2015-02-23 20:36

                          来自Android客户端82楼2015-08-05 00:36