春天落花日影孤独的悬崖 她有着金色的卷发和精灵般的眼瞳 沉醉在萦绕着的微醺的迷梦 仿佛一切都只是阳光下的小睡一场 —Spring Flower Shadow Lonely cliff— —She had blonde hair and eyes like spirits— —Indulged in the lingering tipsy dream— —As if everthing were just a nap under the sun—
古老的时间停滞在这一秒 树影下的喃呢如同被遗忘的魔咒 风穿行在林间温柔不及她的双手 少女的记忆究竟何时被带走 —Old time stagnated in this second— —The whisper that below the tree was like the forgotten spell— —wind going through the forest was not gentle as her hands— —When did the memory of the girl be taken away—
溪流尽头森林深处是谁在唱歌 琉璃湖畔的仙子跳一支不熄灭的舞蹈吧 我们把秘密点燃埋葬 埋葬在悬崖之上缄默的石楠花丛 —Who was singing At the end of the stream and the depth of the forest— —Fairies near the glaze lake Please don’t stop dancing— —Let us lit the secret and bury it— —Bury on the cliff In photinias— ——The End——