5 Tughulghan kunum (Happy Thirtieth Birthday)
Today everyone is happy to congratulate me,
presenting flowers to me, weakly smiling,
I sit with the candle
representing my age flickering.
Today it is my 30th birthday, when I realize
myself in real sense. I don*t know whether to
laugh or cry.
My past is like a film, an unfinished film.
but half part of my life is gone.
I am not delighted but sad today.
Today it is my 30th birthday, when I realize
myself in real sense. I don*t know whether to
laugh or cry.
8 Shukri didim (Back to my Childhood)
I want to go back to my childhood and lie in your lap.
I also want to hang around the park sitting in front of your bike
I want to eat your noodles and wear the sweater knitted by you,
I also miss stealing your cookies from the table
You would always tell me to be a good man and stay
away from bad things, that only you are your best friend.
Now I*ve grown up a good man.
I think your dream came true,
as you foretold I am married, had children.
but you are gone at such a great moment.
mother... father...
Into this world we come helpless, as do animals.
Thank God for what you gave me so far.