签证吧 关注:129,962贴子:755,652
  • 5回复贴,共1



In accordance withSection 221(g) of the U.S. Immigration and nationality Act, the consularofficial was unable to approve your application for a non-immigrant visa due toinsufficient information, or because further administrative processing isrequired. Please send the information indicated below by e-mail to
Travel historyover the last 15 years (where and when)
Names of parents
Name of partner
Compete resume toinclude education, employment history, description of work, and complete listof publications (If accompanying the applicant, the spouse should be includethis information.)
Detailed itinerary(If travelling for business, provide information about the purpose of youtrip.)
Detaileddescription of the research or work you will perform in the U.S. or an abstractof the paper you intend to present.
Letter from theinvitation from the U.S. sponsor
Letter ofrecommendation from the U.S. sponsor or abroad.
Letter of supportfrom the financial sponsor
List of referencein your country or residence

1楼2014-11-01 07:59回复
    洛杉矶华人之家 需要帮助qq联系

    来自手机贴吧3楼2014-11-02 09:57