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武仙-北冕座长城(英语:Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall)是宇宙中一个由星系组成的巨大超结构,延伸超过100亿光年[1][2],是可观测宇宙中已知最巨大的结构。

IP属地:安徽1楼2014-11-29 19:00回复
    武仙-北冕座长城是大尺度纤维状结构的一部分[2],或者是以重力结合的巨大星系集群。该长城的长度最长端横跨约100亿光年(30亿秒差距),另一端的长度则是72亿光年(22亿秒差距,在红移空间的红移速度150,000 km/s)[2],是宇宙中已知最大的单一结构。武仙-北冕座长城的红移值为1.6到2.1,相当于距离地球约100亿光年[1][2]。它的名称由来是因为它在天球上的投影位置在武仙座和北冕座[4]。

    IP属地:安徽2楼2014-11-29 19:00
      天文学家伊什特万·霍瓦特(Istvan Horvath)、乔恩·哈基拉(Jon Hakkila)和若尔特·鲍戈伊(Zsolt Bagoly)分析1997到2012年的观测资料[1][2][5],并且将全天分为9个区域,每个区域各31个伽玛射线暴。在这些分区资料中,31个伽玛射线暴中的14个集中在45°宽,即全天八分之一的径向区域,并且红移值1.6到2.1。柯尔莫诺夫-斯米尔诺夫检验的结果显示,这项伽玛射线暴大量集中在一定区域的状况无法完全归因于因为资料选择造成的偏差。如果许多伽玛射线暴发生在这一区域,就必须要有数千甚至数以百万计以上的星系才有可能。因此最后的结论认为该区域存在长度约史隆长城6倍以上,并且距离地球约100亿光年的结构体。

      IP属地:安徽3楼2014-11-29 19:00

        IP属地:安徽5楼2014-11-29 19:01
          ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Horvath I., Hakkila J., and Bagoly Z. Possible structure in the GRB sky distribution at redshift two. 2014.
          ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Horvath I., Hakkila J., and Bagoly Z. The largest structure of the Universe, defined by Gamma-Ray Bursts. 2013.arXiv:1311.1104. Bibcode:2013arXiv1311.1104H.
          ^ 3.0 3.1 Redshift-distance relation.
          ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Universe's Largest Structure is a Cosmic Conundrum. discovery. 2013-11-19 [2013-11-22].
          ^ Gamma-Ray Burst Online Index, Data source
          ^ Yadav, Jaswant; J. S. Bagla and Nishikanta Khandai. Fractal dimension as a measure of the scale of Homogeneity. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 25 February 2010, 405 (3): 2009–2015 [15 January 2013]. arXiv:1001.0617. Bibcode:2010MNRAS.405.2009Y. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.16612.x.
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          ^ Nadathur, Seshadri, (July 2013) "Seeing patterns in noise: gigaparsec-scale 'structures' that do not violate homogeneity". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in press. arXiv:1306.1700. Bibcode: 2013MNRAS.tmp.1690N. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stt1028.
          ^ Gott, J. Richard, III et al. A Map of the Universe. The Astrophysical Journal. 2005-05, 624 (2): 463–484. arXiv:astro-ph/0310571.Bibcode:2005ApJ...624..463G. doi:10.1086/428890
          ^ Clowes, Roger; Harris; Raghunathan; Campusano; Soechting; Graham; Kathryn A. Harris, Srinivasan Raghunathan, Luis E. Campusano, Ilona K. Söchting and Matthew J. Graham. A structure in the early Universe at z ∼ 1.3 that exceeds the homogeneity scale of the R-W concordance cosmology. Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society. 2012-01-11, 1211 (4): 6256 [14 January 2013]. arXiv:1211.6256. Bibcode:2012arXiv1211.6256C.doi:10.1093/mnras/sts497.
          ^ Gaite, Jose, Dominguez, Alvaro and Perez-Mercader, Juan (August 1999) "The fractal distribution of galaxies and the transition to homogeneity". The Astrophysical Journal 522: L5-L8. arXiv:astroph/9812132. Bibcode: 1999ApJ...522L...5G. doi: 10.1086/312204.

          IP属地:安徽6楼2014-11-29 19:02

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