原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Gankaki 转载请注明出处
I pray that the eng subtitling gets completed, I am soooo addicted, I am afraid I will need therapy, because of my withdrawl period...LOL. keep up the good work currently on episode 8. From everyone posting we have all fallen in love...!!!
I am currently in my withdrawal mode right now from waiting for sub... I desperately searching the web for more sub but Viki has the most update one..:(
评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Gankaki 转载请注明出处
论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-328065-1-1.htmlSame here...i check his drama everyday...everyhour...everyminute...everyseconds.
Please sub..wolf
FULLY LOADED.....And Awesome. Episodes 5 and 10 are having problems, however this drama is worth watching over and over again
Please eng sub the whole thing. I love this drama. I haven't fall in love with a drama for a while and this one caught me. I appreciate the hard work of all. Jia You!!!! We fans would like to thanks the people who contributes to this drama a billion. Will be waiting for the subs patiently :)
请对全剧做英文字幕。我很喜欢这部剧。我好久没沉溺在这么扣人心弦的电视剧了。感谢字幕组,Jia you!!(加油)粉丝们对字幕人员感激万分,我们会耐心等待字幕的。
One of the best dramas I have watched recently. I am primarily a Kdrama watcher, but this drama has beaten any of the recent Kdramas. No over the top makjang. The characters behave like real people. The third wheel is not some crazy stalker, plotting murder and trying to destroy the live of her rival. Yes, she is sneaky, but she does petty stuff like a jealous person, not a deranged psycho like in most Kdramas.
The lead guy is sure of himself, he tells her straight up -NO!!! No 30 episodes of the lead guy never addressing that the stalker girl likes him or her being underhanded. He lets her know Shan Shan his is girl, and he sees her like a sister. I clapped at that scene, because it is so needed in many Asian dramas.
I do wish Shan Shan would trust his feelings for her more. And sometimes with the way Shan Shan behaves, I wonder if she can chew and walk at the same time. But still she is not an annoying candy (like the typical kdrama damsel). She is clumsy, a bit naive, but she is not some over the top annoyance.
The side characters are cute, used in moderation (except the gossiping staff -do they do any work, lol). The sets are beautiful, the budget is high enough to depict the life of the uber-wealthy. All in all, the drama is excellent, and can't wait to finish watching.
ps. Anyone crazing a RIO
近期看过的最棒的电视剧。我是韩剧迷,但此剧比最近的任何韩剧都要精彩(除了顶级makjang)【makjang?】。角色真实,女二不是女痴汉,谋杀或迫害女一。比起多数韩剧女二的神经质,她虽卑鄙,却是个有嫉妒心的正常人。男一坚定不移,清楚直接的拒绝她。男一没挑明女二暗恋他的事实和她的卑鄙行径。他让她知道他爱杉杉,而他视她为妹妹罢了。我为这幕鼓掌,因为亚洲剧缺的就是此。我希望杉杉能一如既往的相信他。挺好奇杉杉边嚼边走路的样子。她天真淳朴却不似韩剧小白的令人讨厌。配角路人的言行恰到好处,服装漂亮昂贵。总之这部剧很精彩,要追完 PS:有人想喝RIO吗?
I want Rio....even Googled it to see what it was! Lol
I quite agree, it is nice not to have a crazy psycho witch scheming and screaming though-out the series. No obsessed mother-in-law is nice too. Just somewhat normal people with normal problems and experiences. Great Show!
I pray that the eng subtitling gets completed, I am soooo addicted, I am afraid I will need therapy, because of my withdrawl period...LOL. keep up the good work currently on episode 8. From everyone posting we have all fallen in love...!!!
I am currently in my withdrawal mode right now from waiting for sub... I desperately searching the web for more sub but Viki has the most update one..:(
评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Gankaki 转载请注明出处
论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-328065-1-1.htmlSame here...i check his drama everyday...everyhour...everyminute...everyseconds.
Please sub..wolf
FULLY LOADED.....And Awesome. Episodes 5 and 10 are having problems, however this drama is worth watching over and over again
Please eng sub the whole thing. I love this drama. I haven't fall in love with a drama for a while and this one caught me. I appreciate the hard work of all. Jia You!!!! We fans would like to thanks the people who contributes to this drama a billion. Will be waiting for the subs patiently :)
请对全剧做英文字幕。我很喜欢这部剧。我好久没沉溺在这么扣人心弦的电视剧了。感谢字幕组,Jia you!!(加油)粉丝们对字幕人员感激万分,我们会耐心等待字幕的。
One of the best dramas I have watched recently. I am primarily a Kdrama watcher, but this drama has beaten any of the recent Kdramas. No over the top makjang. The characters behave like real people. The third wheel is not some crazy stalker, plotting murder and trying to destroy the live of her rival. Yes, she is sneaky, but she does petty stuff like a jealous person, not a deranged psycho like in most Kdramas.
The lead guy is sure of himself, he tells her straight up -NO!!! No 30 episodes of the lead guy never addressing that the stalker girl likes him or her being underhanded. He lets her know Shan Shan his is girl, and he sees her like a sister. I clapped at that scene, because it is so needed in many Asian dramas.
I do wish Shan Shan would trust his feelings for her more. And sometimes with the way Shan Shan behaves, I wonder if she can chew and walk at the same time. But still she is not an annoying candy (like the typical kdrama damsel). She is clumsy, a bit naive, but she is not some over the top annoyance.
The side characters are cute, used in moderation (except the gossiping staff -do they do any work, lol). The sets are beautiful, the budget is high enough to depict the life of the uber-wealthy. All in all, the drama is excellent, and can't wait to finish watching.
ps. Anyone crazing a RIO
近期看过的最棒的电视剧。我是韩剧迷,但此剧比最近的任何韩剧都要精彩(除了顶级makjang)【makjang?】。角色真实,女二不是女痴汉,谋杀或迫害女一。比起多数韩剧女二的神经质,她虽卑鄙,却是个有嫉妒心的正常人。男一坚定不移,清楚直接的拒绝她。男一没挑明女二暗恋他的事实和她的卑鄙行径。他让她知道他爱杉杉,而他视她为妹妹罢了。我为这幕鼓掌,因为亚洲剧缺的就是此。我希望杉杉能一如既往的相信他。挺好奇杉杉边嚼边走路的样子。她天真淳朴却不似韩剧小白的令人讨厌。配角路人的言行恰到好处,服装漂亮昂贵。总之这部剧很精彩,要追完 PS:有人想喝RIO吗?
I want Rio....even Googled it to see what it was! Lol
I quite agree, it is nice not to have a crazy psycho witch scheming and screaming though-out the series. No obsessed mother-in-law is nice too. Just somewhat normal people with normal problems and experiences. Great Show!