Mrs. Montez: Gabby, it's New years eve, enough reading.
Gabriella Montez: oh but mom I'm almost done and --
Mrs. Montez: The teen Party, I've laid out your best clothes, come get ready.
Gabriella: Can i have my book back?
Gabriella: Thank you.
Mrs. Montez: Come on.
Mr. Bolton: Keep working left, Troy. You gotta guard the championship game we're expecting. You're gonna TOURCH 'em.
Troy Bolton: By going left?
Mr. Bolton: Yeah, you look for the middle and you take it downtown.
Troy: Okay, like this?
Mr. Bolton: Woo, that's it man.that's sweet, i wanna see that in the game.
Mrs. Bolton: Boys! did we really fly all this way to play more basketball?
Troy & Mr. Bolton: Yeah.
Mrs. Bolton: It's the last night of vacation. The party, remember?
Mr. Bolton: Right. The party. Party, New Years Eve.
Mrs. Bolton: Troy they have a kids party downstairs in the Freestyle Club.
Troy: Kids party?
Mrs. Bolton: Young adults, now go ... shower up.
Troy: Come on, one more, last one.
Mr. Bolton: Real quick.
Troy: yeah, that's the way to end it!
MC: give it up for a couple of snowboarders! yeah! Who's gonna rock the house next? huh?
Troy: guys, no okay.
MC: you! [to troy]
MC: [to gabby] and you! yeah come on.
Troy: I don't sing. I can't sing. no GUYS!
MC: Hey, you know what, someday, someday you might thank me for this ... or not.
Troy: Troy
Gabriella: Gabriella
Troy: But seriously you have an amazing voice. you're a singer right?
Gabriella: Just church choir is all. I tried out for solo and nearly fainted.
Troy: Really? Why is that?
Gabriella: I took one look at all the people staring at me and next thing i knew i was staring at the ceiling, end of solo career.
Troy: Well, with the way you sang tonight that's pretty hard to believe.
Gabriella: Well that's the first time I've done something like that. I mean it was so cool.
Troy: I know, completely
Gabriella: well you sounded like you've done a lot of singing too.
Troy: Yeah sure, my shower head is very impressed
Crowd: 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 woo!
Gabriella: I guess i better go find my mom and wish her a happy new year.
Troy: yeah me too. i mean not your mom, my mom ... and dad uh, i know.. I'll call you. I'll call you tomorrow.
Gabriella: yeah.
Troy: Here .. put your number in.
Gabriella: You too.
Troy: there you go.
Troy: well just so you know um .. singing with you was the most fun I've had on this entire vacation, so uh, where do you live?
Troy: Gabriella.