士季我对不起你啊[大声一点诚意都没有的哭] 不过我下礼拜二英语演讲...呃,打算讲钟会。 Hello everyone, for today’s presentation, my topic is about asection of history from AD 262 to AD 264 and a man who seem to revolt[谋反] for no reason ,zhonghui。 According to 《Records of the ThreeKingdoms》,Zhonghui was a historical figures[历史人物]full of contradictions. [矛盾]He was acclaimed for his eloquence[善辩]during his childhood, and be reused when he was very young. He help to accomplish[完成] the political transition[权力交接] from Simashi to Simazhao,which help The Jin dynasty consolidate[巩固] its strength.And at the age of 36,he help Simazhao assault Hanzhong,and closure the govern of Shu dynasty. Soon after ,when we think he can take a break and enjoy thefeeling of succeed ,he revolt and of course,the revolt finally cometo nothing.Many historian show theirconfusion during this section of history. Now we can only conjecture[推测]his thought from few historical records.Had he been subverted[策反] by Jiangwei,or forced by Simazhao,what let him make such a reckless[鲁莽]decision and lose his life on impluse[一时冲动]. In fact , Zhonghui is one of few historical figures Ilove most.I love him,not because he‘s handsome, but because he’s more myself than I am. OnceI try to analysis[分析] his personality , I find myselflooking into a mirror. He is the one who I admire,butI know I can never reach the strength. 这代表了某只高二狗在英文上的最高水平...自己编的稿... 不过网上连个关于钟会的英文介绍都没有[别跟我提维基] 然后...明天会考模拟现在什么都不会我在这里废什么话[复习也复习不进去嘛] 默默的去码文...跟钟会无关的话一小时两千字左右...扯到钟会的话一上午一千字都码不完... 改行编言情去了你们拦不住我的...