1. 博物馆功能:
Admittedly,as a sacred place, a museum can be educational in history and tradition. Visitinga museum, we just travel in history, and a myriad of knowledge will bepresented to appreciate and admire. Meanwhile, through making a comparisonbetween the past and the present, we can learn from historical lessons, avoidthe same blunders, and contribute more to modern society. Moreover,only after recognizing the glory of traditional accumulated in museums can webe more patriotic and love our own country.
On theother hand, it is a fact that more enjoyable museums are, the more willingyoungsters are to pay a visit. Nowadays, due to increasing pressure andcompetitive job market, young people seldom have extra time and mentality tovisit those attractions. To make matters worse, museums usually lack sufficientamusing factors, and always take on a pedantic air to scare the young away,which accounts for almost complete absence of young people. If that is true,the only way to address this issue is to highlight entertainment and amusementof museums, and transform people’s long-standing perspective on museums.
Thanks tothe fierce competition in news circle, some conscientiously journalists alwaysfabricate sham news to boost the circulation of newspapers and magazines. It isno secret that more prints mean more profits. Driven by this utilitarianintent, of course, journalists will report some fascinating but false news tothe public, who will fall victims to this practice and make wrong decisionsaccordingly. Statistics show that in 2007 alone, about 10% of news published isfar from true.
Furthermore,against different backdrops of cultures, news will take on diverse or evenconflicting forms even from the same source, causing considerable confusionamong the audience. For example, as for a war in a region, if news is reportedfrom one country, perhaps the war will be denounced as a sheer invasion whileotherwise the same thing will be glorified as a liberation salvaging peoplefrom abyssal pains. If that is true, then people will be stuck in the dilemmaas to which side is more trustful, so news report is rather a disturbance than clarifyto convey valuable information.
On theother hand, strictly supervised by media watchdogs, news reporters more behavethemselves, and are in line with objectivity and truth. Generally speaking,most newspapers serve as an efficient bridge between people and the rest of theworld.
Alarmingly,those criminal descriptions exert an adverse impact on audience, especiallyyoungsters. Due to vulnerable mentality and lack of ample social experience,upon watching rather attractive programs, those kids are induced to followsuit, thus breaking the law and such juvenile delinquencies are too often to beignored. If this trend is out of control, then more underage people will fallvictim to this social scourge.
Moreover,some would- be criminals can learn some skills of committing crimes from thereports, so the police find it more formidable to crack down on crimesefficiently. Although the original purpose of crime description is to warnpeople against offenses and teach them valuable lessons, there is a discrepancybetween what is desired and what is achieved in reality. The latest researchreveals that some habitual law-breakers have access to criminal skills and eventhe police’s detective method from TV programs and newspapers stories aboutcrimes. By contrast, if we restrict the programs of tackling criminal cases,the ways employed by the police to combat crimes will stay inside, and it isout of the question to be revealed to the public, especially those would-becriminals.
Granted,criminal content, which is not a usual experience for commons, can enhance therating substantially. Satisfying people’s curiosity and adding varieties tochoices, those programs can always attract more audience. As for me, however,the alarming detriments have overshadowed its benefit.
1. Somepeople think that government should pay for the health care and education. Doyou agree or disagree?
Healthcare and education can always attract great public attention, for they arealways essential to people’s welfare. Some people suppose that it is government that should shoulder the responsibilityfor those two important factors. As far as I am concerned, I am in total favorof this opinion.
Initially,the government’s fundamental principle of serving the people justifies thisobligation. There is no denying that the significance of government lies in thefact that this organization can better people’ life, and meanwhile the health care andeducationcan best illustrate whether government has met this challenge. Therefore,inevitably, government should pay for those significant fields to fulfill itspromise for people.
Moreover,the taxes collected from citizens determine that government should stick tothis duty. It is clear that government has levied a large amount of money fromcitizens in the hope of striking a balance in societyand if poor people fail to enjoy a qualified medicalservice and receive excellent education, what is the significance ofheavy taxation? Consequently, as for health care andeducation, government ought to take the responsibility, ensuring all thepeople, especially the needy to be equallytreated.
Onthe other hand, it ishighly probable that government has been too overburdened financially. Forexample, among other responsibilities, traffic jam, poverty and crime are up tonational or local authorities to solve, which is usually confronted with budgetproblem. However, if suitable policies can bepursued and efforts from various fields can be coordinated, we have goodreasons to believe that government can address all the issues concerned.
Overall,despite the fact that it is a challenge for government to pay for the healthand education, inevitably, no one but administration should pay the bill. Atthe same time, relevant organizations have to be motivated to ensure moresatisfactory health and education for individuals.
2. Billionsof money has been spent on the space research. Some people say that it shouldbe better spent on improving the living standard of people on earth. Do youagree or disagree?
It has beenalmost forty years since Armstrong proudly uttered, “That is one small step fora man, one giant leap for mankind.” Indeed, it is worthwhile to celebrate sucha feat for human beings since space research, like moon-landing was totallyunbelievable in the past. Some people, however, maintain that life is the samewithout any dramatic change. I strongly doubt the validity of this statement.
Without theexploration of unknown places, human beings can never solve the alarming energycrisis thoroughly. Economic development around the world has accelerated the demandfor energy substantially, which leads to resources crisis on the earth. Ifthere is no petrol, coal or natural gas for humans, then the day of destructionwill not be fairy tale. Space research provides mankind with the chances oflocating new resources, such as water and minerals indispensible to humans.
Moreover,successful research in outer space stimulates people to be more adventurous,and that valuable spirit is essential to historical advance. From barbarianstates to modern civilization, no progress can be achieved without exploringunknown places and the invention of airplanes is a case in point. If humans,who have long yearned to fly in the sky like birds, fail to engage themselvesin daunting experiments, it is not hard to imagine that long-distance travelcan only be realized in people’s wildest dreams.
Indeed,space research means tremendous investment from national purse, causing people’sgreat alarm. It is not a secret that billions of money has to be spent ensuringa successful launch of satellites or spacecrafts. The possibility of newresources and the boost to people’s morale, however, justify such aconsiderable input.
Obviously,only through space research can people live a better life. Meanwhile, it is amust that this research should not serve a military purpose, and benefitinghumans is the prerequisite.