人人说英语吧 关注:5,540贴子:2,387



Jim Huang:人称黄神仙,15年英语系专业课教学经验、十年托福雅思教学经验。
Norman: 乐队主角,英国硕士,学术写作和哲学控,地道苏格兰发音,他会在另一个我们很快就会发布的关于“雅思口语”的神贴大楼里展示更多的语音!
Ridge: 语言学专家,15年英语系教学经验,语法专家,发音专家。
1 楼:理念和思维的基石(听清了:重要的不是你天天抄的各种模板和高分词汇,那样你一辈子也不会写学术英语):
2 楼:破题立意提纲和开头段(想不好的人,是开不了头儿的!):
3 楼:主体段落的论证和逻辑连贯与衔接(本楼层最要命,将决定你写作的实际层次——四段式还是五段式?这个重要吗?不重要吗?重要吗?)
4 楼:教育类题目练习和批改区
5 楼:旅行和语言文化交流类题目练习和批改区
6 楼:媒体和广告类题目练习和批改区
7 楼:科技、生产和全球化类题目练习和批改区
8 楼:就业和组织公司问题类题目练习和批改区
9 楼:社会问题类题目练习和批改区
10 楼:理念、哲学和其他问题类题目练习和批改区
11 楼: 英汉互译各种写作表达的句子练习(你可以用汉语思维,但是要学一些笔译技巧)
12 楼:用词探讨——最低一层就是词汇,而不是先乱七八糟的、枯燥背单词——这一层也是最终批改区。
13 楼:范文精选和评析

1楼2014-12-31 03:08回复
    Mediaand Advertisement
    1. People receive a lot of information from news reports presented byjournalists. However, some people claim that we cannot believe the news that weare presented with. What is your opinion on the issue? In addition, whatqualities do you think journalists should have? Give reasons for your answer.
    引入段:是否相信记者和记者所报告的新闻,是debatable ;并且关于记者素质也多有讨论
    第三段:写现如今确实存在的记者和记者所报新闻不实甚至扭曲事实distortion---(展开)1)theviolation to privacy; 2) profit-oriented report 指的是那些虚假产品报道;3)cheque journalism花钱创造新闻。(这里需要讨论一下原因)——>记者,全世界的记者,都会多多少少受到一定的political ,military or economic impact 和pressure, 做出一些decorated news;记者个人信仰、所受教育不同,报道的言语就有所差别,甚至差别巨大。但仍然不能借此说我们真的不能相信所有的新闻和新闻记者。
    第四段:讨论新闻记者所需要的素质:客观判断力objective judgment; 坚持新闻自由的精神;过硬的业务素质,比如:坚持采用描述式的报道方式descriptive way to report.
    2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three ofthe following as media for communicating information. State which youconsider to be the most effective: comics, books, radio, television, film,theatre.
    挑出三个按个评论,大不了写五段,头,尾,三个media。但是各自说的标准要一致,比如有明显的分类标准——time,convenience (handy),effective
    3. Advertising is playing an important role in our modern society andwe are confronted with various advertisements on a daily basis. Do the positiveeffects of advertising outweigh its negative effects? What is your opinionabout modern advertising?
    4. “The media plays a valuable role in keeping us informed andentertained. However, many people believe it has too much power and freedom.”Discuss your views on this, giving examples and presenting a balanced argumentboth in favor of, and against, the power and freedom of the media.
    5. Advertisingis all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people saythat advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it isnegative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for youranswer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
    6. TV, Internet and radio are very popular nowadays. Some people saythat they will replace books and written words as the main sources ofinformation. To what degree do you agree or disagree to this position?
    7. Some British families decide not to buy televisions because theyinfluence the development of the creativity of children. What do you think?
    8. Some programs on TV are full of violence. This is having quite somenegative influences on individuals and even on society. How far do you agree ordisagree with the statement? Give your reasons.

    8楼2014-12-31 03:55
      Education; Humanity; Poverty; Human rights; Democracy(雅思不太可能考这个问题); environment;ecosystem; media; job; juvenile issues; women; homosexuality; race; ethnicgroups; technology(transportation and telecommunication )

      9楼2014-12-31 03:56
        Essay Practice
        You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about thefollowing topic:
        In many countries there is a shortageof suitable people for essential jobs. [JH1] What do you think are the causes[JH2] of this problem and what measures[JH3] could be taken to solve it?
        Many countries have a staff shortage in many sectors and fields where ahuge amount of unskilled cleaners, semi-skilledquality controllers, and white-collar office assistants are needed urgently.On the contrary, more and more young people plunged into the crowd of managers, investors and stock brokers whocould possibly center themselves into a higher stage to initiate their futurecareer. In my view, several majorreasons could be found to explain why these fundamental positions are not thatpopular. Furthermore, I try to provide some of my own suggestions for solvingthis problem by motivating suitable persons to suitable positions. (如果下面的分段想弄成每一段都包括“原因+措施”类型,就写成Meanwhile, I tryto provide some of my own suggestions following each reason respectively forsolving this problem by motivating suitable persons to suitable positions.)-à
        Manycountries have staff shortages in many fundamental sectors and fields due tosome reasons. In my view, some suggestions and measures can be found to solvethis problem by motivating suitable persons to suitable positions.
        Jim 的主题段:
        五段式主体段(分为三段——原因+措施): 1)各级政府的教育、就业指导、调节和投入做的不够好+措施;2)企业提供的很多基本工作岗位薪水和福利过低;+措施3)很多人的择业观有问题——就高不就低,不能从基层做起+措施。
        First of all, I want to blame some governments or some localgovernments at various levels for their improper investment intensively andexclusively in some sectors and fields, which lead to the imbalanced trainingin different subjects. As a result, in many schools some subjects receivingvery few training benefit from government could attracted very few people tolearn or could not be taught and practiced very well due to the deficiency ofgood teaching resource and facilities. The worst result is that many used-to-beperfect people for those subjects are separated to the related essentialpositions. Therefore, allgovernmental institutes should make considerate investigations on the jobmarket for as accurate statistics as possible in order to make a sensiblepolicy in regulating the need and supply of the job market. Under the correctpolicy, the suitable persons with suitable aptitude will be led to the suitablepositions.
        Secondly, the essentialjobs supplied by many enterprises and companies are not attractive because ofthe low payment or shabby working conditions. The tedious work of officeassistants and cleaners with poor income, compared to that of golden collarworkers, with slim prospects, make many young graduates of colleges do not evengive a glimpse on it. In order to endeavorthis embarrassing situation, I suggest that employers should consider theconstant increment or salary-raising to ensure the human resource stability ofthe essential jobs and to encourage more people to select these jobs, which hasactually happened in some countries where college students have accepted thetruth that peasant workers’ wages are generally higher than that of college graduates;
        Finally,withthe description for the low payment or weak conditions above, many people, especiallythose young college graduates, have unrealistic dreams of being lucky enough tobe accepted by any one of Top 500. However, the current fact is that there aretoo many college students to be called social elites as before. So, personally I want to persuade youngpeople and myself to treat those essential jobs fairly and realistically in theconvenience of getting a job, not a “good job” in the sympatheticallycompetitive job market. For a short, “bread is the none to second”.
        The whole economy of thisglobe are changing very rapidly and as a result, our views on jobs should beflexibly changed to meet the need of the society and market. Meanwhile,governmental organizations and companies should take the responsibilities ofdirecting and regulating suitable people to essential jobs
        以下是Jim最初的偏题主体段落(四段式)的第二段写作,辛辛苦苦写了那么多长句子,结果发现偏题。然后自我圆场,说这是狭义思维,做了些补救:个人认为——这些essential jobs不好,没有很多人愿意做——这是根本的原因。——千难万苦, 钱,前途。
        Essential jobs, no matter the blue or white collar’ work, arecomplained commonly by them with the following reasons: Primarily, tedious work is the one hundred percent preciseexpression describing those jobs involving largetime consuming, like the beyond-9-5 working time of those office assistantswho are exploited frequently their unsociable time, or the earliest workers,those cleaners in every morning of every city, and gigantic energy cost,like those hard labor paid by those logistic workers who shuttle the city roadsand streets to send post packages or move big sofas for many families. (演变过程:Primarily, these jobs are very hard.-àprimarily, these jobs are very tedious-à primarily, these jobs are very tedious because theywaste much time and energy.)All these workerswill definitely get profession-related repetitive strained sickness; The worse news is the extremely-limitedpayment to the workers I mentioned above which make them totally disappointed.Compared to the hard work they have contributed to the society, (比较结构,指“收入少”是针对自己辛勤工作而言的)the wages and thesalaries to those office assistants and plumbers are neither satisfactory forpaying bills of their family cost nor romantic to dream of independent housesor sport cars. This is most direct reason for many persons to abandon thoseessential jobs; the last straw isthe economically or socially empty end waiting for most of the blue and whitecollar workers in 20-30 years, when many personalities of finance,investment and stock exchange acquire their barrels of gold to enable them topay for their next generations. (第二次比较)As we all know,very few blue and white collar workers could be promoted to be gold collarworkers or to have enough money to build their own business due to theirtechnical and professional limitations. Their prospects are nothing but towork, work and work for others.
        Althoughthe reasons for the shortage of people for essential jobs could make manyreaders reinforce their belief of discarding the humble jobs, I can still findseveral ways to call suitable people to fill the positions….后面写措施。
        给你背景,你就描述背景:描述a shortage of suitable peoplefor essential jobs

        11楼2014-12-31 04:05

          1. The idea of having a single career is becoming an old fashionedone. The new fashion will be to have several careers or ways of earning moneyand further education will be something that continues throughout life. What isyour opinion?
          2. As society changes, more and more people do not want to stay in onecareer or job. Many people change their careers and jobs. What is the cause ofthis phenomenon? Can you give some suggestions to solve this problem?
          3. “When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothingto do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Usespecific reasons and examples to explain your position.
          4. Some people think that the company should encourage the employeeswho are in high positions and over 55 years old to retire, in order to giveopportunities to new generation. Do you agree or disagree?

          12楼2014-12-31 04:06
            In manycountries, more and more young people are unable to find jobs after graduation.What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual andsociety? What are the possible reasons? Make some suggestions.
            A so-calledmaxim among contemporary college students is that graduation means immediateunemployment, which reveals unbearable anxiety imposed on modern young people. Thefailure to secure job deprives the youth of the chances of living anindependent life, and furthermore, it is a total waste of teachers’ efforts andnational educational budget. Some graduates are involved in crimes due tocontinuous depressing mentality. Worse, this severe problem exacerbatesnational burden and affects an efficient solution to other social issues, suchas traffic jam and environmental pollution, because government has to beresponsible for ensuring the livelihood of those young people.
            Probinginto this worry, perhaps we can find the following two root causes. Initially,impractical pursuit of highly-paid jobs is the main culprit. While being freshfrom college, they insist in high-end jobs, which mean both satisfactory salaryand comfortable working conditions. And they are too fastidious about jobtypes, reluctant to work from grass roots level. Moreover, compared withveteran workers, college graduates lack rich working experience, so they are ina disadvantageous position in job markets. Currently, companies need recruitswith practical experience in particular fields so that training costs can bepossibly sharply cut even saved. Accordingly, people who have hopped from onejob to another stand a better chance of seeking employment than those greenhands.
            In view ofserious hazards of the problem, government should pursue some policies morefavorable to young people, for example, rewarding those corporations whorecruit college students with commercial tax exemption. Meanwhile, besidesmastering theoretical knowledge, college students have to give top priority topractical skills such as team spirit and interpersonal communication, which canbe achieved through part-time jobs, or activities in various universitysocieties.
            There is nodoubt that younger generation is the deciding factor of success to differentcountries. Consequently, it is high time that individuals and society as awhole made efforts to address high employment of young people.
            5. 教师的责任
            Some peoplebelieve that teachers should take responsibility for teaching students how tojudge what is right and what is wrong while others say that teachers shouldmainly teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give youropinion.
            It isuniversally acknowledged that the desired prototype of teachers is a soulengineer of human beings and they play an irreplaceable role in rapid growth ofa country. Most people spend the majority of their prime time acquiringknowledge indispensible to their future success, so, undoubtedly, teachersexert a far-reaching influence on their students’ lives. What teachers ought toteach, knowledge or morality, however, causes different opinions.
            As the mostinfluential mentors in students’ life, teachers are supposed to be responsiblefor guiding students how to distinguish right from wrong. There is no denyingthat moral integrity and strong self-control constitute the cornerstone ofsuccessful adult life. Otherwise, if students, who perform well in all kinds ofexamination, become the top experts in one particular field, they are morallywrong and always threaten national security, so the investment in students andthe significance of education are bound to be questioned. By contrast, even ifa person fails to master rich knowledge, he or she yearns to help others, whichis also a blessing to society.
            Granted,knowledge transmission us also necessity of a teacher’s job. The key to acountry’s advance mainly lies in how much knowledge its citizens can obtain, sopassing on valuable knowledge from one generation to another generation is theinescapable obligation of instructors. Moreover, a solid foundation in majorscan ensure a better job after students graduate. The severe job market hasalready proved the vitality of authoritative academic qualifications. In myopinion, however, correct morality and scientific outlook of the world are morecrucial to the development of students and society as a whole.
            My view isthat education of morality should be top of teachers’ job, and is the criticalstandard of evaluating teachers. Honestly, it is dreadful to imagine thatsociety is rife with people with considerable expertise but evil intention.

            14楼2014-12-31 04:11

              1. 语言消失
              Severallanguages are dying out every year. However, some people do not think it is importantand claim that our life will be simpler with fewer languages. To what extent doyou agree or disagree?
              Languageextinction in some underdeveloped regions is so sensitive that it hasinevitably elicited a heated discussion among people. Some people assert thatif there are fewer languages in the world, life can be greatly facilitated. Asfor me, I doubt that our life will be simplified and beautified as somelanguages lose popularity in the world arena.
              Admittedly,if people failing to master several languages travel to a strange place, thenan efficient communication with locals will be out of the question. It is clearthat misunderstanding or even conflict will ensue due to lack of thoroughunderstanding among people without similar linguistic or cultural backgrounds. Sacrificingcommunication tools for an effortless exchange, however, is far from a perfectmethod.
              Initially,language is the carrier of nation’s valuable culture. There is no denying thatwe can have access to native cultures from studying the characteristic nativelanguages employed by local people, so the disappearance of language willresult in culture vanishing. Therefore, for the sake of culture, we have toprotect precious languages from dying out in the world.
              Furthermore,if there are few languages in the world, the world is rather monotonous. As weknow, language diversity, like a wonderful symphony, spices up our world, andeach country is an indispensible music tone. Accordingly, it is dreadful for usto imagine that only one wretched language can be heard in every corner of theworld.
              From theabove-mentioned discussion, it is conceded that language dying out isbeneficial to our life to some extent, yet I am more convinced that thedrawbacks of the phenomenon have overshadowed the advantages offered. Undoubtedly,it is not, or will not be reasonable to abolish several languages to attain asmooth communication.
              The worldhas become increasingly similar than ever before. For example, we can eat thesame food, listen to the same music, and wear the same clothes. Some peoplebelieve that it is more harmful than beneficial to our life, and to what extentdo you agree?
              The word “similarity”is not strange to us, especially in a modern society, for we can enjoy the samecuisine, the same music and all the same other things just as people in otherparts of the world. With the advancement of traffic and technology, this trendwill undoubtedly gain an increasing popularity. As for me, there is no need tobe worried about this phenomenon.
              If we, withother people in different cultural backgrounds, can have more in common, it issure we can be acquainted with each other better, thereby showing moretolerance. For example, the same Chinese food provides us with similarenjoyment and the same-brand clothes of Adidas draw us nearer like bestacquaintances. The valuable similarity abolishes completely misunderstandings,which mainly derive from too many differences in our lifestyle, and moreoverfacilities mutual love and understanding.
              The sametaste can also boost economic development. The market of only one particularcountry is limited, but the similarity among the majority of countries canpresent an enlarged demand for commodities. If products can find alternativeoutlets for sale, then national revenue will surely be multiplied than everbefore.
              On theother hand, maybe there exists a danger that some manufacturers of one countrywill lack enough resistance against the aggression from outside and gobankrupt. In the fierce market competition, people tend to prefer those high-quality goods such as tasty food, classical music and charming clothes, toout-of –date ones, so gradually it is really a pity that some nationalindustries will submit to the strong power of outsiders. Personally, however, Ibelieve that if those who disappear from the market are lacking in thecompetitive power and sufficient attraction to consumers, then it isjustifiable for extinction.
              Overall,world similarity is highly beneficial to our life. Predictably, in the future,more came commodities will fill various aspects of the world arena.
              3. 传统文化与建筑
              In order toprotect traditional culture, government should build new building in atraditional way. Do you agree?
              It has beenadmitted that the preservation of traditional culture is stuck in a dilemma inmodern society, where economic development enjoys the top priority over otherfields. Some people, as a result, propose that new buildings should beconstructed in a traditional style for the purpose of protecting traditionalcultures. As for me, this practice is detrimental and unnecessary.
              If modernbuildings have to be built in a traditional way, it is really harmful to theoverall landscape of urban cities. The characteristics of modern cities areattractive technological innovations, and applications in architecturefacilitate the city. For example, in Beijing, various modern skyscrapers andshopping malls bear testimony to achievements in economic development, therebydrawing numerous talents both from home and abroad. By contrast, if somebuildings are out of date in style among other modern buildings, they are justlike a sight for a sore eye.
              Moreover,preserving traditional culture is not equal to sacrificing modern conveniences.There is no denying that respecting tradition is the prerequisite for futureprogress, and human beings are bound to learn valuable experience from whathappened in the past. Modern civilization, however, stands for the developmentof times, and should be at least equally crucial with historical legacies, ifnot more than.
              Indeed,building in a traditional style can enhance people’s awareness of traditionconservation, and step up efforts to preserve those valuable treasures, whichare, to some extent, on the verge of extinction. Modern cultures, however,should coexist peacefully with traditions and be not neglected.
              All in all,the practice of transforming modern buildings is not a perfect way, causing toomany negative effects. It is hoped that a better and satisfactory method can bepossibly sought out to create a win-win situation.

              15楼2014-12-31 04:14
                Some peoplebelieve that museum should become more enjoyable to attract and entertain youngpeople. Others think the purpose of museum is to educate people rather than toentertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
                Museum,where invaluable historical legacies are stored and displayed, should befrequently-visited places for modern people, so traditional culture can bebetter passed on from one generation to another generation. Those places,however, should be more entertaining or instructing, and people can not reach ageneral consensus.
                Admittedly,as a sacred place, a museum can be educational in history and tradition. Visitinga museum, we just travel in history, and a myriad of knowledge will bepresented to appreciate and admire. Meanwhile, through making a comparisonbetween the past and the present, we can learn from historical lessons, avoidthe same blunders, and contribute more to modern society. Moreover, only after recognizingthe glory of traditional accumulated in museums can we be more patriotic andlove our own country.
                On theother hand, it is a fact that more enjoyable museums are, the more willingyoungsters are to pay a visit. Nowadays, due to increasing pressure andcompetitive job market, young people seldom have extra time and mentality tovisit those attractions. To make matters worse, museums usually lack sufficientamusing factors, and always take on a pedantic air to scare the young away,which accounts for almost complete absence of young people. If that is true,the only way to address this issue is to highlight entertainment and amusementof museums, and transform people’s long-standing perspective on museums.
                My view isthat both entertainment and education are indispensible to modern museums, andthey are complementary to each other rather than being contradictory. Afterall, the places where we can learn valuable knowledge and enjoy ourselves arebest choices.
                5. 国际旅游的后果
                Some peoplethink that international tourism creates more tension rather than understandingbetween people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?
                Theever-increasing living standard makes it possible that people can travelabroad, appreciating fascinating exotic cultures. Some people, however, pointout that this exchange exerts a more negative impact on the relationship amongpeople with different cultures and furthermore people tend to be more hostiletowards each other. As for this assertion, I am rather doubtful.
                It isgenerally agreed that the booming tourist industry can boost local economicdevelopment considerably. When people travel to tourist attractions, they willvisit local shops, dine in the restaurants and seek accommodations, which notonly spurs local revenue, but also raises employment rate. If tourists canbenefit host countries, then there is no doubt that they are warmly welcome,and mutual understanding is likely to be established.
                Moreover,through international travel, the platform of exchange can further tolerantfeelings among different people. For example, when foreigners come to china,perhaps they will be startled when people greet each other with “have youdined?”, but gradually they know the true meaning is nothing more than socialpoliteness. If similar phenomena occur frequently, so-called misunderstandingor culture shock will definitely come into non-existence.
                Granted,international travel contains the potential threats such as polluting theenvironment and breaking the culture taboos, which surely tarnish touristimages. It is true that some travelers lack the awareness of environmentalprotection, throwing away rubbish anywhere they go. Meanwhile, being blind tolocal traditional customs, some people even arouse strong enmity from people indestination. Those undesirable practices, nevertheless, can be correctedthrough suitable education.
                Overall,with the need to know more about the rest of the world and the high mobilitymodern transportation ensures, more people love international tourism. Afterall, travel is an indispensable part of human life.
                Initially,the government’s fundamental principle of serving the people justifies thisobligation. There is nodenying that the significance of government lies in the fact that this organization canbetter people’ life, and meanwhile the health care and education can best illustrate whethergovernment has met this challenge. Therefore, inevitably, government should payfor those significant fields to fulfill its promise for people.
                Moreover,the taxes collected from citizens determine that government should stick tothis duty. It is clear that government has levied a large amount of money fromcitizens in the hope of striking a balance in societyand if poor people fail to enjoy a qualified medicalservice and receive excellent education, what is the significance ofheavy taxation? Consequently, as for health care andeducation, government ought to take the responsibility, ensuring all thepeople, especially the needy to be equallytreated.
                Granted, it is highly probable that governmenthas been too overburdened financially. For example, among other responsibilities,traffic jam, poverty and crime are up to national or local authorities tosolve, which is usually confronted with budget problem.However, if suitable policies can be pursued and efforts from various fieldscan be coordinated, we have good reasons to believe that government can addressall the issues concerned.
                Without theexploration of unknown places, human beings can never solve the alarming energycrisis thoroughly. Economic development around the world has accelerated thedemand for energy substantially, which leads to resources crisis on the earth. Ifthere is no petrol, coal or natural gas for humans, then the day of destructionwill not be fairy tale. Space research provides mankind with the chances oflocating new resources, such as water and minerals indispensible to humans.
                Moreover,successful research in outer space stimulates people to be more adventurous,and that valuable spirit is essential to historical advance. From barbarianstates to modern civilization, no progress can be achieved without exploringunknown places and the invention of airplanes is a case in point. If humans,who have long yearned to fly in the sky like birds, fail to engage themselvesin daunting experiments, it is not hard to imagine that long-distance travelcan only be realized in people’s wildest dreams.

                16楼2014-12-31 04:18

                  1. 博物馆功能:
                  Admittedly,as a sacred place, a museum can be educational in history and tradition. Visitinga museum, we just travel in history, and a myriad of knowledge will bepresented to appreciate and admire. Meanwhile, through making a comparisonbetween the past and the present, we can learn from historical lessons, avoidthe same blunders, and contribute more to modern society. Moreover,only after recognizing the glory of traditional accumulated in museums can webe more patriotic and love our own country.
                  On theother hand, it is a fact that more enjoyable museums are, the more willingyoungsters are to pay a visit. Nowadays, due to increasing pressure andcompetitive job market, young people seldom have extra time and mentality tovisit those attractions. To make matters worse, museums usually lack sufficientamusing factors, and always take on a pedantic air to scare the young away,which accounts for almost complete absence of young people. If that is true,the only way to address this issue is to highlight entertainment and amusementof museums, and transform people’s long-standing perspective on museums.
                  Thanks tothe fierce competition in news circle, some conscientiously journalists alwaysfabricate sham news to boost the circulation of newspapers and magazines. It isno secret that more prints mean more profits. Driven by this utilitarianintent, of course, journalists will report some fascinating but false news tothe public, who will fall victims to this practice and make wrong decisionsaccordingly. Statistics show that in 2007 alone, about 10% of news published isfar from true.
                  Furthermore,against different backdrops of cultures, news will take on diverse or evenconflicting forms even from the same source, causing considerable confusionamong the audience. For example, as for a war in a region, if news is reportedfrom one country, perhaps the war will be denounced as a sheer invasion whileotherwise the same thing will be glorified as a liberation salvaging peoplefrom abyssal pains. If that is true, then people will be stuck in the dilemmaas to which side is more trustful, so news report is rather a disturbance than clarifyto convey valuable information.
                  On theother hand, strictly supervised by media watchdogs, news reporters more behavethemselves, and are in line with objectivity and truth. Generally speaking,most newspapers serve as an efficient bridge between people and the rest of theworld.
                  Alarmingly,those criminal descriptions exert an adverse impact on audience, especiallyyoungsters. Due to vulnerable mentality and lack of ample social experience,upon watching rather attractive programs, those kids are induced to followsuit, thus breaking the law and such juvenile delinquencies are too often to beignored. If this trend is out of control, then more underage people will fallvictim to this social scourge.
                  Moreover,some would- be criminals can learn some skills of committing crimes from thereports, so the police find it more formidable to crack down on crimesefficiently. Although the original purpose of crime description is to warnpeople against offenses and teach them valuable lessons, there is a discrepancybetween what is desired and what is achieved in reality. The latest researchreveals that some habitual law-breakers have access to criminal skills and eventhe police’s detective method from TV programs and newspapers stories aboutcrimes. By contrast, if we restrict the programs of tackling criminal cases,the ways employed by the police to combat crimes will stay inside, and it isout of the question to be revealed to the public, especially those would-becriminals.
                  Granted,criminal content, which is not a usual experience for commons, can enhance therating substantially. Satisfying people’s curiosity and adding varieties tochoices, those programs can always attract more audience. As for me, however,the alarming detriments have overshadowed its benefit.
                  1. Somepeople think that government should pay for the health care and education. Doyou agree or disagree?
                  Healthcare and education can always attract great public attention, for they arealways essential to people’s welfare. Some people suppose that it is government that should shoulder the responsibilityfor those two important factors. As far as I am concerned, I am in total favorof this opinion.
                  Initially,the government’s fundamental principle of serving the people justifies thisobligation. There is no denying that the significance of government lies in thefact that this organization can better people’ life, and meanwhile the health care andeducationcan best illustrate whether government has met this challenge. Therefore,inevitably, government should pay for those significant fields to fulfill itspromise for people.
                  Moreover,the taxes collected from citizens determine that government should stick tothis duty. It is clear that government has levied a large amount of money fromcitizens in the hope of striking a balance in societyand if poor people fail to enjoy a qualified medicalservice and receive excellent education, what is the significance ofheavy taxation? Consequently, as for health care andeducation, government ought to take the responsibility, ensuring all thepeople, especially the needy to be equallytreated.
                  Onthe other hand, it ishighly probable that government has been too overburdened financially. Forexample, among other responsibilities, traffic jam, poverty and crime are up tonational or local authorities to solve, which is usually confronted with budgetproblem. However, if suitable policies can bepursued and efforts from various fields can be coordinated, we have goodreasons to believe that government can address all the issues concerned.
                  Overall,despite the fact that it is a challenge for government to pay for the healthand education, inevitably, no one but administration should pay the bill. Atthe same time, relevant organizations have to be motivated to ensure moresatisfactory health and education for individuals.
                  2. Billionsof money has been spent on the space research. Some people say that it shouldbe better spent on improving the living standard of people on earth. Do youagree or disagree?
                  It has beenalmost forty years since Armstrong proudly uttered, “That is one small step fora man, one giant leap for mankind.” Indeed, it is worthwhile to celebrate sucha feat for human beings since space research, like moon-landing was totallyunbelievable in the past. Some people, however, maintain that life is the samewithout any dramatic change. I strongly doubt the validity of this statement.
                  Without theexploration of unknown places, human beings can never solve the alarming energycrisis thoroughly. Economic development around the world has accelerated the demandfor energy substantially, which leads to resources crisis on the earth. Ifthere is no petrol, coal or natural gas for humans, then the day of destructionwill not be fairy tale. Space research provides mankind with the chances oflocating new resources, such as water and minerals indispensible to humans.
                  Moreover,successful research in outer space stimulates people to be more adventurous,and that valuable spirit is essential to historical advance. From barbarianstates to modern civilization, no progress can be achieved without exploringunknown places and the invention of airplanes is a case in point. If humans,who have long yearned to fly in the sky like birds, fail to engage themselvesin daunting experiments, it is not hard to imagine that long-distance travelcan only be realized in people’s wildest dreams.
                  Indeed,space research means tremendous investment from national purse, causing people’sgreat alarm. It is not a secret that billions of money has to be spent ensuringa successful launch of satellites or spacecrafts. The possibility of newresources and the boost to people’s morale, however, justify such aconsiderable input.
                  Obviously,only through space research can people live a better life. Meanwhile, it is amust that this research should not serve a military purpose, and benefitinghumans is the prerequisite.

                  17楼2014-12-31 04:20

                    19楼2014-12-31 04:22
                      Main features:
                      1) 最值maximum(peak, a high, the highest point) and minimum(a low; the lowestpoint) value;
                      2) trend(上升:rise, increase, climb;下降:drop, decrease, decline; 波动:fluctuation; 爬上一个高度:plateau; 保持平稳constant, stable);
                      3) 流程图flow chart---…is mainly divided into 3 stages
                      4) 地图maps:…is mainly comprised of 4 sections
                      introduction and overall statement:
                      即,第一句说大概是个什么事儿(题目要求+改写或部分改写标题+其他元素——来源于对横轴或【和】纵轴、图例等等的观察);第二句说整体什么特征——就是主要特征,比如,大体上上升generally rise… 1) 表格(整体特征是需要观察和分析数据后找到规律,之后才有可能写出整体特征); 2)饼图(同上,需要观察和分析)3)柱形图(同上);4)线形图:这个最容易——很直观就可以看出其趋势
                      筛选有用的和比较突出的数值(特征、步骤)报告。——分段原则:1. 最简参数原则——选参数量最小的,即,10个国家和三个项目相比,用三个项目分段最合适;2. 如果参数数量都不太合适,就选择最容易看出来的数量特征进行分类。
                      基本特点是:特征+ 数值+ 年代(范围;对象…):特征:除了上升下降的趋势之外,上升下降的程度如何?——a sharp rise, aconsiderable/dramatic/significant increase, a steady rise; a slight climb
                      1) is/are/being +数值;
                      2) account for +数值;
                      3) reach at+数值;
                      4) with the number/figure of +数值……;
                      5) PS: 数值对应的数量单位千万别看错,因为把20 million 报成了 20,是“数据错误”的表现,连基本分数都悬了。

                      20楼2014-12-31 04:39

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