And the thought I want to leave with you today is that any melody can shine in the right accompaniment, any melody can be understood and really bloom or blossom. I think people are like that too. So if you are in a place or situation where you feel you are not shining or are not understood then you should find that place. If you can't find that place, be welcome to find that place. And remember also that if you can't find it you can always write it. 今天我希望大家能满载而归的收获是:只要找到了专属搭配,任何旋律都会光辉闪耀,都有知音珍藏,绚丽地盛开绽放。人亦如此。即如若你身处的境地无法让光芒挥洒或得不到赏识,务必另求他处追寻属于你的应允之地。如若寻觅无果,也求心存信念不灰心放弃。谨记,寻觅的旅途漫漫无期,难免迷茫徘徊,然而什么都无法阻挡你随时随地去描绘记录心目中的归属。