一年我们经历了很多 This year we have experienced a lot of 我们所要守护的,也在渐渐成长 We want to protect,They are in growing 这一年,我们留下了自己的脚印 This year,We left our footprints. 我想,将来也会一样 I think, the future will be the same 我们还会守护着自己的信仰 We are still guarding our belief
我们都曾笑着说, We have said with a smile 你要快点长高,变得更加听话 You will grow, become obedient 如今,我们依旧说着同样的话, Now, we still say the same thing, 只是有些违心罢了, But it just become against
只是喜欢小小的你,就这样守护着 Just like the little you,to guard you 害怕一旦你长大,就不再需要我们了 Afraid of if you grow up,will needn't our protect 不光是你,我们也在悄然变化着 Not only you,We also are quietly changing
我们都有着自己的梦想,你也一样 We all have our own dream,it's the same to you 时光之所以让每个人都成长 The reason why we have to grow 只是为了让每个人的肩膀 Just in order to let us shoulder 能够承担的起自己梦想的重量 Can bear the weight of a dream